{ "da": { "general": { "banner": { "congrats": "Tillykke! Du er nu oprettet.\nHer er lidt du bør vide", "welcome": "Velkommen til Spirii. Vi ser frem til at gøre din ladeoplevelse nem og god.\nHvis du har spørgsmål er du velkommen til at kontakte os, vi står klar til at hjælpe dig.", "close": "Luk", "test": "Test" }, "buttons": { "login": "Log Ind", "logout": "Log Ud", "selfservice": "Selvbetjening", "save_changes": "GEM ÆNDRINGER", "changes_saved": "ÆNDRINGER GEMT", "contact": "Kontakt", "remove": "Fjern", "test": "Test" }, "footer": { "easy_access_to_charging": "FÅ NEM ADGANG TIL OPLADNING I HELE EUROPA", "spirii_go_button": "SPIRII GO APP", "text": "Tag fat i os, hvis du har behov for at tale. Vi lytter, er nysgerrige og har altid tid til en snak.", "products": "PRODUKTER", "spirii_connect": "Serviceaftale", "spirii_go": "Spirii Go", "spirii_key": "Spirii Key", "charging_equip": "Ladeudstyr", "e_roaming": "eRoaming", "customerservice": "KUNDESERVICE", "contact": "Kontakt", "fees": "Gebyrer", "faq": "FAQ", "cookie_policy": "Cookiepolitik", "about": "OM SPIRII", "the_team": "Mød teamet", "spirii_address": "BRAGESGADE 8B, KØBENHAVN N", "spirii_email": "SUPPORT@SPIRII.COM", "spirii_phone": "+4532266299", "copyright": "© spirii" }, "forms": { "field_required": "Feltet er påkrævet", "choose_quantity": "Vælg antal" }, "hero": { "hero_label": "Connect Serviceaftale", "hero_header": "Opret Spirii Connect Serviceaftale", "hero_description": "Bestil her serviceaftale til din nye ladeboks, så er du sikret den bedste og billigste oplevelse med opladning derhjemme." }, "user_form": { "personal_info": "Personoplysninger", "your_information": "Dine oplysninger", "company_name": "Firmanavn", "company_id_number": "CVR-nummer", "ean": "EAN", "invoice_email": "E-mail til fakturering", "firstname": "Fornavn", "lastname": "Efternavn", "email": "Email", "phone": "Telefonnr.", "address": "Adresse", "zipcode": "Postnummer", "city": "By", "country": "Land", "bank_reg": "Bank reg.", "bank_account": "Bank account", "button_edit": "REDIGER", "button_save": "GEM", "button_cancel": "ANNULLER" } }, "loginpage": { "form": { "header": "Selvbetjning", "title": "Log ind på selvbetjening. Er det først gang du logger ind? Tryk på 'Glemt adgangskode'", "email": "Email", "password": "Adgangskode", "forgot_password": "Glemt adgangskode?", "error_message": "Email eller kodeord er ugyldigt" } }, "new-ui": { "errors": { "common_text": "Something went wrong!" }, "basket": { "my_order": "Min ordre", "order_overview": "Din kurv", "products": "Produkter", "subscription": "Pris pr. md.", "price_recurring_postfix": "\/md.", "pay_monthly": "Månedlig betaling", "pay_now": "Bestil nu", "total": "TOTAL", "is_empty": "Din kurv er tom", "info": "Information", "subscription_binding_period": "Vi har en bindingsperiode på [min_months] måneder.", "express_bank_months_info": "Betal [per_month_pay] kr.\/md i [per_month] måneder med Express Bank ", "first_charge_info": "", "include_vat": "Alle priser er inkl. moms ", "pay_monthly_express_bank": "Månedlig betaling via Express Bank", "pay_monthly_credit_card": "Månedlig betaling via kreditkort", "minimum_price_for_six_months": "Samlet mindstepris for 6 mdr.", "14_days_full_return": "14 dages fuld fortrydelsesret", "eb_option_to_split_payment": "Du har mulighed for at betale [per_month_pay] kr.\/md med [express_bank]. Vælg betalingsmetode (næste step)", "eb_credit_info": "Betal [per_month_pay] kr.\/md i [per_month] måneder med Express Bank " }, "calendar": { "next_month": "Næste måned", "previous_month": "Forrige måned", "day_monday": "Man", "day_tuesday": "Tir", "day_wednesday": "Ons", "day_thursday": "Tor", "day_friday": "Fre", "day_saturday": "Lør", "day_sunday": "Søn", "month_january": "Januar", "month_february": "Februar", "month_march": "Marts", "month_april": "April", "month_may": "Maj", "month_june": "Juni", "month_july": "Juli", "month_august": "August", "month_september": "September", "month_october": "Oktober", "month_november": "November", "month_december": "December" }, "general": { "make_order": "Bestil", "continue": "Fortsæt", "confirm": "Bekræft", "add": "Tilføj", "remove": "Fjern", "per_month": "\/md.", "yes": "Ja", "no": "Nej", "checkbox_required": "Påkrævet", "months": "måneder", "or": "eller", "with": "med" }, "image_dropzone": { "attach_file": "Vedhæft fil", "upload_file": "Upload fil", "file_requirements": "PNG, PDF, JPEG. Max. 10Mb." }, "landing_page": { "page_header_label": "PAKKELØSNING", "page_header_intro": "", "page_header_title": "Ladeboks inkl. installation, serviceaftale* og refusion", "bullet_1": "Zaptec Go - markedets mindste, effektive ladeboks", "bullet_2": "Professionel og autoriseret 11kW\/16A standardinstallation***", "bullet_3": "Spirii Connect serviceaftale med fuld driftsgaranti, service, support og refusion til kun 79 kr.\/mdr.*", "bullet_4": "Automatisk refusion af elafgift på 75,7 kr. pr. kWh", "bullet_5": "Installation og aktivering af ladeboks inden for 4 uger", "bullet_6": "Smart styring af din ladeboks og opladning med Spirii Go appen", "pay_now_title": "Betal nu 9.999 kr.", "pay_now_subtitle": "Herefter 79 kr.\/mdr.", "pay_now_terms": "* Ved køb oprettes en serviceaftale fra Spirii til 79\\n' +\n 'kr.\/md. i minimum 6 måneder (mindstepris 474 kr.). Aftalen sikrer dig automatisk refusion af\\n' +\n 'elafgift og fuld garanti. Aftalen kan opsiges med en måneds varsel + løbende måned og\\n' +\n 'tidligst 6 måneder efter indgåelse af aftale.  Betaling for aftalen sker månedsvis og første\\n' +\n 'gang når din ladeboks aktiveres.", "faqs_title": "Ofte stillede spørgsmål", "faqs_question_1": "Hvad får man med en standardinstallation?", "faqs_answer_1": "1. Installation af ladeboks, der sikrer at opladning af din elbil eller plugin hybrid sker med størst mulig sikkerhed. Samtidig opfylder installationen de krav, som bilfabrikanterne stiller i henhold til deres garanti.\\n' +\n '\\n' +\n '2. Levering og installation samt automatsikring til enten 1- eller 3- faset tilslutning inklusiv N, gældende for både 16, 20 eller 32 A og fejlstrømsafbryder HPFI, enten som kombi eller separate enheder, i eksisterende el-tavle. Fejlstrømsafbryder er type A.\\n' +\n '\\n' +\n '3. Fra eksisterende gruppetavle trækker installatøren installationskabel på 5 g 6 mm2 op til 15 meter langs eksisterende gulv eller væg, bøjlet, klipset eller i passende størrelse hvid plastkanal. Kablet monteres i ladeboks. Ved eventuel føringsvej faktureres du pr. meter.\\n' +\n '\\n' +\n '4. Elinstallatøren tester, at ladeboks fungerer og sikrer, at alle forbindelser er tilsluttet korrekt og i henhold til gældende lovgivning.", "faqs_question_2": "Hvad ligger typisk ud over standardinstallationen?", "faqs_answer_2": "Svar", "faqs_question_3": "Betingelser for en standardinstallation", "faqs_answer_3": "Svar", "faqs_question_4": "Hvordan fungerer refusion af elafgift?", "faqs_answer_4": "Svar", "faqs_question_5": "Kan det betale sig med en serviceaftale?", "faqs_answer_5": "Svar", "hero_label": "Label", "hero_heading": "HEADING", "hero_description": "Beskrivelse" }, "other_steps": { "has_tax_deduction_already": "Har du allerede afgiftsnedsættende strøm?", "tax_deduction_subtitle": "Solcelleanlæg, jordvarmeanlæg, elvarme eller anden afgiftnedsættende.", "account_details": "Kontooplysninger", "account_description": "Den optjente refusion tilbagebetales til disse kontooplysninger fra din bank", "newsletter_consent": "Send mig gerne nyheder, tilbud og information om produkter og ydelser fra Spirii" }, "payment_step": { "payment_details": "Betalingsoplysninger", "choose_method": "Vælg betalingsmetode", "invoice_payment_description": "Du modtager en faktura på den angivne fakturaemail", "card_number": "Kortnummer *", "expiry_date": "MM\/YY *", "cvc": "CVC *", "cardholders_name": "Kortholders navn *", "secure_payment_description": "Betalingen sker via en sikker SSL-forbindelse", "pay_with_credit_card_description": "Betal med kreditkort", "pay_with_express_bank_description": "Express bank - Opdel din betaling uden renter og gebyrer" }, "express_bank": { "credit_confirmed": "Din ansøgning hos Express Bank til din ladeboks er blevet godkendt og du skal nu tilmelde et betalingskort til betalingen af din månedlige serviceaftale.\n", "credit_declined": "Din ansøgning hos Express Bank til din ladeboks blev afvist. Vælg venligst en ny betalingsmetode.", "credit_info": "Serviceaftalen kan ikke blive finansieret gennem Express Bank. Derfor bedes du indtaste dine kreditkort oplysninger after ansøgningen er blevet godkendt hos Express Bank.", "per_month_for": "\/ måned i", "pay_monthly_installments_of": "Betal [no_of_installments] månedlige afdrag af", "amount": "[amount] kr.", "with_express_bank": "med Express Bank.", "fees_and_interests_description": "0 kr. gebyrer og 0 kr. renter." }, "product_step": { "charge_solution": "", "popular_addons": "" }, "progress_bar": { "basket": "Kurv", "payment": "Betaling", "subscription": "Serviceaftale", "confirmation": "Bekræftelse" }, "success_page": { "welcome_title": "Tak for din bestilling og velkommen til Spirii", "welcome_subtitle": "Vi ser frem til at gøre din ladeoplevelse nem og god.", "welcome_message": "Hvis du har spørgsmål er du velkommen til at kontakte os på +45 32 266 299 eller support@spirii.dk.", "welcome_order_info_bottom": "Har du brug for at opdatere dine informationer? Gå til Self-service<\/a>", "your_order": "Din bestilling", "contact": "Kontakt", "address": "Adresse", "refusion": "Refusion", "account_reg": "Reg:", "account": "Konto:", "service_agreement": "Serviceaftale", "services": "Services", "spirii_connect": "Spirii Connect", "you_will_receive_mail": "Du modtager en mail inden for kort tid med yderligere information.", "get_spirii_go": "", "spirii_go_bullet1": "Hent Spirii Go og kom i gang med det samme. Connect, charge and go!", "spirii_go_bullet2": "Med Spirii Go har du mulighed for at styre egen opladning derhjemme og tjene penge ved at gøre din ladeboks offentlig tilgængelig", "spirii_go_bullet3": "Kør grønt og billigt. Få det fulde overblik over dit forbrug i kWh og planlæg opladning derhjemme", "spirii_go_bullet4": "Spirii Go er altid fuldt opdateret med de seneste smart charging funktioner og giver adgang til det offentlige ladenetværk i Danmark og resten af Europa", "payment": "Betaling", "products": "Produkter", "credit_card": "Kreditkort", "express_bank": "Express Bank", "invoice": "Faktura" }, "footer": { "contact": "Kontakt", "welcome_description": "Kontakt os hvis du har brug for hjælp. Vi lytter til dig og har altid tid til en chat.", "address": "Bragesgade 8B", "email": "support@spirii.com", "phone": "(+45) 32 266 299\n", "vat_no": "CVR: DK-40657339", "help": "Hjælp", "copyright": "Spirii. All rights reserved", "help_link_1_label": "Kundesupport", "help_link_1_link": "mailto:support@spirii.com", "help_link_2_label": "Knowledge Base", "help_link_2_link": "https:\/\/help.spirii.com\/help", "help_link_3_label": "Self-Service Log In", "help_link_3_link": "https:\/\/selfservice.spirii.com", "policy_link_1_label": "Privatpolitik", "policy_link_1_link": "https:\/\/spirii.com\/en\/legal\/privacy-policy", "policy_link_2_label": "Terms and conditions", "policy_link_2_link": "https:\/\/spirii.com\/en\/legal\/terms-and-conditions", "policy_link_3_label": "", "policy_link_3_link": "" }, "reimbursement": { "group_headline": "Refusion", "group_description": "You can get tax reimbursement if you don't already have tax-reducing electricity at your location", "accordion_question": "Do you already have tax-reducing electricity?", "accordion_description": "The refund earned will be refunded to these account details from your bank", "radio_input_yes": "Yes", "radio_input_no": "No" } }, "onboarding": { "checkbox_sidebar": { "your_order": "Din bestilling", "almost_there": "Du er der næsten", "terms_and_conditions": "Vilkår og betingelser", "infotext": "Du opretter automatisk en bruger i Spiriis selvbetjeningsportal, hvor du kan få overblik over din serviceaftale.", "footer_first_line": "kr. reserveres ved bestilling.", "footer_second_line": "Afregning af Spirii Connect serviceaftale sker fremadrettet månedsvis og første gang når ladeboksen aktiveres.", "button_continue": "Fortsæt", "button_confirm": "Bekræft", "mandatory": "Obligatorisk", "add_to_order": "Tilføj til bestilling", "added_to_order": "Tilføjet til bestilling", "price_recurring_postfix": "\/md.", "price_onetime_postfix": "", "bank_account_message": "Indtast her dine bankoplysninger, så vi kan refundere din elafgift.", "bank_account_registration": "Reg. nr.", "bank_account_registration_error": "Skal være 4 cifre", "bank_account_number": "Kontonr.", "bank_account_number_error": "Maks 10 cifre", "bank_account_informative_text": "De danske regler tillader os kun at udbetale afgiftsrefusionen direkte til din bankkonto. Du skal derfor indtaste dine kontooplysninger. Vi vil herefter tilbageføre din afgiftsrefusion månedsvis.", "checkbox_1_description": "Jeg bekræfter, at jeg ikke har solceller, elvarme eller anden afgiftsfritaget strømproduktion derhjemme.", "checkbox_2_description": "Jeg har solceller, elvarme eller anden afgiftsfritaget strømproduktion derhjemme.", "checkbox_3_description": "Jeg har læst og accepteret de gældende vilkår og betingelser<\/a> og privatlivspolitik<\/a>.", "checkbox_4_description": "Send mig gerne nyheder, tilbud og information om produkter og ydelser fra Spirii.", "terms_and_conditions_link": "https:\/\/spirii.dk\/betingelser-og-salgsvilkaar\/", "privacy_policy_link": "https:\\\/\\\/spirii.dk\\\/privatlivspolitik\\\/" }, "foldables": { "first_title": "Hvordan fungerer refusion af elafgift?", "first_description": "Når du oplader din elbil hjemme på en ladeboks fra Spirii betaler du strømprisen fra dit elselskab (Gennemsnitsprisen i Danmark er 2,2 DKK\/kWh). <\/br>Med en Spirii Connect Serviceaftale modtager du automatisk refusion af elafgiften, som du betaler for strømmen, du bruger til opladning af din elbil. <\/br>Refusionssatsen er pr. 1. januar 2024 75,7 øre\/kWh. Det vil sige, at du får tilbagebetalt 75,7 øre\/kWh, du bruger på opladning hjemme. <\/br>Spirii udbetaler refusionen hver måned. <\/br>Bemærk, at du kun er berettiget til refusion af elafgiften, hvis du ikke har solceller, jordvarme, elvarme eller anden egenproduceret strøm, der ikke inkluderer elafgiften.", "second_title": "Kan det betale sig med en Spirii connect serviceaftale?", "second_description": "Beregninger viser, at hvis du primært vil lade derhjemme og kører mindre end 30.000 km om året, kan en ladeløsning hvor du selv ejer ladeboksen og via en serviceaftale får refunderet din elafgift bedst betale sig.<\/br><\/br>Eksempel på dine udgifter til opladning hjemme med et kørselsbehov på 15.000 km om året og opladning derhjemme på en ladeboks med Spirii Connect serviceaftale<\/br><\/br>15.000 km om året svarer til ca. 3.000 kWh<\/br><\/br>Årlig udgift til strøm: 3.000 kWh x 2.2 kr.\/kWh = 6.600 kr.<\/br><\/br>Årlig udgift til Spirii Connect serviceaftale: 12 x 79 kr. = 948 kr.<\/br><\/br>Afgiftsrefusion pr. år: 3.000 kWh x 1,12 kr. = 3.360 kr.<\/br><\/br>Afgiftsrefusion fratrukket Spirii Connect serviceaftale: (3.360 kr. - 948 kr.) = 2412 kr.\/år<\/br><\/br>Nettoudgift til kørestrøm om måneden: (6.600 kr. + 948 kr. - 3.360 kr.)\/12 = 349 kr.\/md.", "third_title": "Hvordan starter jeg opladning med app\/ladebrik?", "third_description": "Spirii Key ladebrik:<\/b> Placer din ladebrik på symbolet på ladeboksen. Afvent et bip og opladningen starter. Når du vil afslutte opladning, tager du ladekabel ud af bilen først og dernæst ud af ladeboksen.<\/br><\/br>Spirii Go:<\/b> Find din ladestander på kortet i appen, vælg udtag og tryk start.<\/br><\/br>Når du vil afslutte opladning, vælger du ”Afslut” i appen, tager først ladekablet ud af bilen og dernæst ud af ladeboksen.", "fourth_title": "Spiriis offentlige ladenetværk:", "fourth_description": "For at udvide og styrke vores offentlige netværk, samarbejder vi med mange forskellige partnere og sætter løbende ladestandere op i hele Danmark. Vi kalder det Connected By Spirii og i dag samarbejder vi bl.a. med Merkur Andelskasse, By og Havn, FDM, Sustain Recharge, Viggo, AURA Energi og flere regioner og kommuner. Prisen for opladning i Spiriis offentlige netværk varierer derfor også, men vi prøver altid at holde den så lav som muligt. Du kan se alle offentlige Connected By Spirii ladestandere og den gældende strømpris i vores app Spirii Go<\/a>" }, "main_info_box": { "text_main_header": "Din aftale", "text_main_subheader": "Connect Serviceaftale", "text_main_intro": "Vores Spirii Connect serviceaftale er sammensat særligt, så den passer til dig, der oplader elbilen hjemme på egen ladeboks. Serviceaftalen sikrer, at du får en enkel, driftssikker og smart ladeløsning. Hver måned modtager du refusion af den elafgift, du betaler for strøm brugt på opladning derhjemme – én-til-én.", "bullet_1_default": "Spirii håndterer og godtgør din refusionsberettigede elafgift på opladning foretaget hjemme via ladeboksen. Refusionssatsen er pr. 1. januar 2024 75,7 øre pr. kWh", "bullet_2_default": "Spirii sikrer, at din ladeboks altid fungerer og er fuldt opdateret– uden at det koster dig ekstra.", "bullet_3_default": "Adgang til vores kundesupport, døgnet rundt.", "bullet_4_default": "Adgang til Spiriis offentlige netværk af ladestandere og et stort eRoamingnetværk i Danmark og resten af Europa.", "bullet_5_default": "Nem adgang til opladning både hjemme og ude via vores app Spirii Go.", "bullet_6_default": "Forbrugsoversigt i appen Spirii Go", "price_postfix": "\/md.", "footer_default": "6 måneders binding. Vi trækker først betalingen når ladeboksen er etableret.", "footer_link": "Læs mere her." }, "progress_line": { "deal": "Aftale", "customer_info": "Kundeoplysninger", "payment": "Betaling" }, "user_form": { "your_information": "Dine oplysninger", "thg-quotas-front": "THG Quotas Front", "thg-quotas-back": "THG Quotas Back", "file-requirements": "Accepterede filtyper er png, jpg, jpeg og pdf. Filer skal have en filstørrelse på maksimalt 10 Mb." } }, "overlays": { "payment": { "reg_no": "Reg.nr.", "account_no": "Kontonummer", "add": "Tilføj", "invalid_reg": "Ugyldigt reg.", "invalid_account_no": "Ugyldigt Kontonr.", "cardholder_name": "Kortholder navn", "name_required": "Navn skal udfyldes", "add_payment_method": "Tilføj bankoplysninger", "creditcard": "Kreditkort", "bank_account": "Bankkonto" } }, "passwordresetpage": { "form": { "header": "Selvbetjening", "title": "Nulstil adgangskode", "email": "Email", "password": "Adgangskode", "confirm_password": "Bekræft adgangskode", "request_reset": "Anmod om nulstilling", "request_error_message": "Vi kunne ikke finde en bruger med denne e-mail.", "request_success_message": "Vi har sendt en e-mail til dig med link til nulstilning af adgangskode. Hvis ikke du kan finde den, så husk at tjekke din SPAM-indbakke.", "login": "Log ind", "reset_button": "Nulstil adgangskode", "reset_error_message_no_user": "Vi kunne ikke finde en bruger med denne e-mail.", "reset_error_message_password": "Adgangskoden skal være min. 8 tegn, og de to adgangskoder skal være ens.", "reset_error_message_link": "Linket til nulstilning er ikke længere gyldigt.", "reset_success_message": "Din adgangskode blev nulstillet.", "login_to_selfservice": "Log ind på selvbetjening" }, "email": { "button_text": "Reset password" } }, "payment": { "general": { "total": "TOTAL", "thereafter_price_per_month": "Herefter {price} per måned", "minimum_price_for_6_months": "Minimumspris for 6 måneder", "14_days_return": "14 dages fuld returret.", "unit": "enhed", "units": "enheder", "per_month": "\/mdr", "payment_details": "Betalingsdetaljer", "name_on_the_card": "Navn på kreditkort", "payment_will_be_made_through_a_secure_ssl_connection": "Betalingen bliver foretaget via en sikker SSL forbindelse", "pay": "BETAL", "continue_with_express_bank": "Fortsæt med Express Bank", "the_order_has_been_paid": "Ordren er betalt", "my_order": "Min order", "card_number": "Kortnummer", "expiry_date": "Udløbsdato", "card_cvc": "CVC", "card_number_invalid": "Kortnummer er ugyldigt", "card_expiry_invalid": "Udløbsdato er ugyldig", "card_cvc_invalid": "CVC er ugyldig" }, "tax_reimbursement": { "headline": "Refusion", "description": "Med Spirii Connect serviceaftale er du sikret fuld afgiftsrefusion på alt forbrug på ladeboksen. Hver måned modtager du 75,7 øre pr. kWh for den strøm, der er brugt på opladning hjemme med ladeboksen.<\/br><\/br>\nBemærk, at du kun kan modtage refusion af elafgiften, hvis du betaler fuld afgift på din el. Hvis du har solceller, jordvarme eller anden egenproduceret strøm, kan du ikke få refusion af elafgift. <\/br><\/br>\n\n\nSelvom du ikke er berettiget til refusion, får du stadig adgang til alle de andre gode fordele med Spirii Connect serviceaftale. <\/br><\/br>\n \n\nServiceaftalen inkluderer nemlig også nem adgang til opladning ude og hjemme via appen Spirii Go, smart charging funktioner, fuld driftsgaranti og service og support døgnet rundt.\n", "has_reduction_headline": "Har du allerede afgiftsnedsættende strøm?", "has_reduction_info": "Har du solcelleanlæg, jordvarmeanlæg, elvarme eller anden afgiftnedsættende.", "account_information": "Kontooplysninger", "account_information_info": "Den optjente refusion tilbagebetales til disse kontooplysninger fra din bank", "account_information_bank_reg": "Reg.nr.", "account_information_bank_account": "Kontonr.", "continue_to_payment": "Fortsæt til betaling", "bank_account_has_to_be_a_number": "Kontonr må kun indeholde tal", "bank_reg_has_to_be_a_number": "Bank reg nr må kun indeholde tal", "step_1": "Refusion", "step_2": "Betaling", "radio_input_yes": "Ja", "radio_input_no": "Nej" } }, "selfservicepage": { "bank_info_card": { "title": "BANKOPLYSNINGER", "reg_no": "Reg. nr.:", "account_no": "Konto:", "button_change_info": "SKIFT OPLYSNINGER", "button_add_info": "TILFØJ OPLYSNINGER", "payee": "THG Quote Payee", "iban": "THG Quote: IBAN" }, "cancel_service_agreement_card": { "title": "OPSIG SERVICEAFTALE", "description": "Ønsker du ikke længere, efter din bindingsperiode, at have din serviceaftale vil du ikke længere kunne få refusion af elafgift og service på din ladestander.", "button": "OPSIG SERVICEAFTALE" }, "change_password_card": { "title": "SKIFT ADGANGSKODE", "current_password_label": "Nuværende adgangskode", "new_password_label": "Ny adgangskode", "new_password_sublabel": "Min. 6 tegn, 1 tal, store og små bogstaver", "confirm_password": "Bekræft ny adgangskode" }, "orders_card": { "title": "ORDRER", "order": "Ordre", "order_number": "Ordrenr.", "date": "Dato", "status": "Status", "show_more": "Vis mere", "fulfilled": "Fuldført", "processing": "Behandler", "product": "Produkt", "price": "Pris", "price_postfix": "\/ md.", "create_new_order": "OPRET NY ORDRE" }, "payment_details_card": { "title": "BETALINGSOPLYSNINGER", "invoice_method_description": "Du betaler på faktura, og vi sender en faktura til dig på e-mail, hver gang der skal betales.", "ends_with": "ender med", "expires_at": "Udløber den", "change_card_button": "SKIFT KORT", "add_card_button": "TILFØJ KORT" }, "subscription": { "cancellation_success_message": "Dit abonnement er blevet opsagt, og det vil udløbe", "no_products_chosen": "Du har ikke valgt nogle produkter.", "you_are_logged_in_as": "Du er logget ind som", "address": "Adresse", "address_description": "Indtast din privatadresse, hvor ladeboksen skal installeres.", "phone": "Telefonnummer", "phone_description": "Indtast dit telefonnummer, så vi evt. kan kontakte dig vedrørende din bestilling.", "subscription": "Abonnement", "status": "Status", "product": "Produkt", "price": "Pris", "startdate": "Startdato", "fixation_period": "Bindingsperiode", "cancelled_at": "Annulleret d.", "ends_at": "Slutter d.", "description": "Ønsker du ikke længere, efter din bindingsperiode, at have din serviceaftale, vil du ikke længere kunne få refusion af elafgift og service på din ladestander.", "cancel_service_agreement": "OPSIG SERVICEAFTALE", "desired_startdate": "Ønsket startdato", "cancelled": "Opsagt", "planned": "Planlagt", "active": "Aktiv", "are_you_sure": "ER DU SIKKER?", "if_you_cancel": "Hvis du opsiger din serviceaftale, går du glip af disse fordele:", "no_keep_agreement": "NEJ, BEHOLD SERVICEAFTALE", "yes_cancel_agreement": "OPSIG SERVICEAFTALE", "step1": "Fuld refusion af elafgift på opladning foretaget hjemme via ladeboksen", "step2": "Løbende drift og vedligehold af din ladeboks", "step3": "24\/7 kundesupport", "step4": "Løbende firmwareopdateringer", "step5": "Gratis fejlretninger og service" }, "subscriptions_card": { "title": "ABONNEMENTER", "show_more": "Vis mere", "no_subscriptions": "Du har ingen abonnementer." }, "transactions_card": { "title": "KVITTERINGER", "download": "Download", "no_transactions": "Du har ingen kvitteringer", "order_number": "Ordrenr.", "date": "Dato", "amount": "Beløb" } } }, "de": { "general": { "banner": { "congrats": "Glückwunsch! Sie sind jetzt registriert.\nHier sind einige Informationen für Sie", "welcome": "Willkommen bei Spirii. Wir freuen uns darauf, Ihr Ladeerlebnis einfach und angenehm zu gestalten.\nSie erhalten nun eine E-Mail von uns mit weiteren Anweisungen zur Installation Ihrer Ladebox.\nWenn Sie Fragen zu Ihrem Servicevertrag haben, zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns zu kontaktieren. Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter.", "close": "Schließen", "test": "Test" }, "buttons": { "login": "Anmelden", "logout": "Abmelden", "selfservice": "Self-Service", "save_changes": "ÄNDERUNGEN SPEICHERN", "changes_saved": "GESPEICHERTE ÄNDERUNGEN", "contact": "Kontakt", "remove": "Remove", "test": "Test" }, "footer": { "easy_access_to_charging": "EINFACHER ZUGANG ZUM LADEN EUROPAWEIT", "spirii_go_button": "SPIRII GO APP", "text": "Kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen. Wir hören zu, sind neugierig und haben immer Zeit für ein Gespräch.", "products": "PRODUKTE", "spirii_connect": "Spirii Connect", "spirii_go": "Spirii Go", "spirii_key": "Spirii Key", "charging_equip": "Ladegeräte", "e_roaming": "eRoaming", "customerservice": "KUNDENDIENST", "contact": "Kontakt", "fees": "Preise", "faq": "HÄUFIG GESTELLTE FRAGEN", "cookie_policy": "Cookie-Richtlinie", "about": "ÜBER SPIRII", "the_team": "Lernen Sie das Team kennen", "spirii_address": "BRAGESGADE 8B, KØBENHAVN N", "spirii_email": "SUPPORT@SPIRII.COM", "spirii_phone": "(+45) 32 266 299", "copyright": "© spirii" }, "forms": { "field_required": "Pflichtfeld", "choose_quantity": "Menge auswählen" }, "hero": { "hero_label": "Connect-Servicevertrag", "hero_header": "Spirii Connect-Servicevertrag erstellen", "hero_description": "Bestellen Sie hier einen Servicevertrag für Ihre neue Ladebox, um sich zu Hause garantiert die beste und günstigste Erfahrung mit dem Laden zu sichern." }, "user_form": { "personal_info": "Persönliche Daten", "your_information": "Ihre Daten", "company_name": "Firmenname", "company_id_number": "Firmen-ID", "ean": "EAN", "invoice_email": "E-Mail-Adresse für die Rechnungsstellung", "firstname": "Vorname", "lastname": "Familienname", "email": "E-Mail", "phone": "Telefon", "address": "Adresse", "zipcode": "Postleitzahl", "city": "Stadt", "country": "Land", "bank_reg": "Bank reg.", "bank_account": "Bank account", "button_edit": "BEARBEITEN", "button_save": "SPEICHERN", "button_cancel": "KÜNDIGEN" } }, "loginpage": { "form": { "header": "Self-Service", "title": "Melden Sie sich beim Self-Service an", "email": "E-Mail", "password": "Passwort", "forgot_password": "Passwort vergessen?", "error_message": "Falsche E-Mail-Adresse oder falsches Passwort" } }, "new-ui": { "errors": { "common_text": "Etwas ist schief gelaufen!" }, "basket": { "my_order": "Meine Bestellung", "order_overview": "Bestellübersicht", "products": "Produkte", "subscription": "Abo", "price_recurring_postfix": "\/mo", "pay_monthly": "Pay\/mo", "pay_now": "Pay now", "total": "TOTAL", "is_empty": "Your cart is empty", "info": "Information", "subscription_binding_period": "The subscription has a binding period of minimum [min_months] months", "express_bank_months_info": "The [express_bank] payment is split over [per_month] months. You'll be paying [per_month_pay] kr\/mo.", "first_charge_info": "You will start paying for the subscription the first time you charge your car.", "include_vat": "All prices include VAT.", "pay_monthly_express_bank": "Payed monthly via Express Bank", "pay_monthly_credit_card": "Payed monthly via Credit card", "minimum_price_for_six_months": "Mindestpreis für 6 Monate", "14_days_full_return": "14 dages fuld fortrydelsesret. Du bliver automatisk elkunde ved bestilling.", "eb_option_to_split_payment": "You have the option to split the payment over [per_month] months with [per_month_pay] kr\/mo, with [express_bank]. Select the payment method in the next steps.", "eb_credit_info": "Express bank payment is spread across [per_month] months with a total of [per_month_pay] kr." }, "calendar": { "next_month": "Nächster Monat", "previous_month": "Vorheriger Monat", "day_monday": "Mo", "day_tuesday": "Di", "day_wednesday": "Mi", "day_thursday": "Do", "day_friday": "Fr", "day_saturday": "Sa", "day_sunday": "So", "month_january": "Januar", "month_february": "Februar", "month_march": "März", "month_april": "April", "month_may": "Mai", "month_june": "Juni", "month_july": "Juli", "month_august": "August", "month_september": "September", "month_october": "Oktober", "month_november": "November", "month_december": "Dezember" }, "general": { "make_order": "Bestellen", "continue": "Weiter", "confirm": "Bestätigen", "add": "Hinzufügen", "remove": "Entfernen", "per_month": "\/md.", "yes": "Ja", "no": "Nein", "checkbox_required": "Erforderlich", "months": "Monate", "or": "oder", "with": "mit" }, "image_dropzone": { "attach_file": "Datei anhängen", "upload_file": "Datei hochladen", "file_requirements": "PNG, PDF, JPEG. Max. 10Mb." }, "landing_page": { "page_header_label": "PAKKELØSNING", "page_header_intro": "", "page_header_title": "Ladeboks inkl. installation, serviceaftale* og refusion", "bullet_1": "Zaptec Go - markedets mindste, effektive ladeboks", "bullet_2": "Professionel og autoriseret 11kW\/16A standardinstallation***", "bullet_3": "Spirii Connect serviceaftale med fuld driftsgaranti, service, support og refusion til kun 79 kr.\/mdr.*", "bullet_4": "Automatisk refusion af elafgift på 1,12 kr. pr. kWh", "bullet_5": "Installation og aktivering af ladeboks inden for 4 uger", "bullet_6": "Smart styring af din ladeboks og opladning med Spirii Go appen", "pay_now_title": "Betal nu 9.999 kr.", "pay_now_subtitle": "Herefter 79 kr.\/mdr.", "pay_now_terms": "* Ved køb oprettes en serviceaftale fra Spirii til 79\\n' +\n 'kr.\/md. i minimum 6 måneder (mindstepris 474 kr.). Aftalen sikrer dig automatisk refusion af\\n' +\n 'elafgift og fuld garanti. Aftalen kan opsiges med en måneds varsel + løbende måned og\\n' +\n 'tidligst 6 måneder efter indgåelse af aftale.  Betaling for aftalen sker månedsvis og første\\n' +\n 'gang når din ladeboks aktiveres.", "faqs_title": "Ofte stillede spørgsmål", "faqs_question_1": "Hvad får man med en standardinstallation?", "faqs_answer_1": "1. Installation af ladeboks, der sikrer at opladning af din elbil eller plugin hybrid sker med størst mulig sikkerhed. Samtidig opfylder installationen de krav, som bilfabrikanterne stiller i henhold til deres garanti.\\n' +\n '\\n' +\n '2. Levering og installation samt automatsikring til enten 1- eller 3- faset tilslutning inklusiv N, gældende for både 16, 20 eller 32 A og fejlstrømsafbryder HPFI, enten som kombi eller separate enheder, i eksisterende el-tavle. Fejlstrømsafbryder er type A.\\n' +\n '\\n' +\n '3. Fra eksisterende gruppetavle trækker installatøren installationskabel på 5 g 6 mm2 op til 15 meter langs eksisterende gulv eller væg, bøjlet, klipset eller i passende størrelse hvid plastkanal. Kablet monteres i ladeboks. Ved eventuel føringsvej faktureres du pr. meter.\\n' +\n '\\n' +\n '4. Elinstallatøren tester, at ladeboks fungerer og sikrer, at alle forbindelser er tilsluttet korrekt og i henhold til gældende lovgivning.", "faqs_question_2": "Hvad ligger typisk ud over standardinstallationen?", "faqs_answer_2": "Answer", "faqs_question_3": "Betingelser for en standardinstallation", "faqs_answer_3": "Answer", "faqs_question_4": "Hvordan fungerer refusion af elafgift?", "faqs_answer_4": "Answer", "faqs_question_5": "Kan det betale sig med en serviceaftale?", "faqs_answer_5": "Answer", "hero_label": "Label", "hero_heading": "HEADING", "hero_description": "Description" }, "other_steps": { "has_tax_deduction_already": "Har du allerede afgiftsnedsættende strøm?", "tax_deduction_subtitle": "Solcelleanlæg, jordvarmeanlæg, elvarme eller anden afgiftnedsættende.", "account_details": "Kontooplysninger", "account_description": "Den optjente refusion tilbagebetales til disse kontooplysninger fra din bank", "newsletter_consent": "Send mig gerne nyheder, tilbud og information om produkter og ydelser fra Spirii." }, "payment_step": { "payment_details": "Betalingsoplysninger", "choose_method": "Select Payment Method", "invoice_payment_description": "Du modtager en faktura på den angivne fakturaemail", "card_number": "Card number *", "expiry_date": "Expiry date *", "cvc": "CVC *", "cardholders_name": "Cardholders name *", "secure_payment_description": "The payment is made through a secure SSL connection", "pay_with_credit_card_description": "Pay total amount with Credit Card", "pay_with_express_bank_description": "Express bank - Split your payment without interest or fees" }, "express_bank": { "credit_confirmed": "Your credit for your chargebox and installation was approved! \nPlease continue with the Spirii Connect Services.", "credit_declined": "Your credit for your chargebox and installation was declined. Please select a new payment method.", "credit_info": "The Spirii Connect Services cannnot be financed with Express Bank. We will ask you to fill in your creditcard informations after your application has been approved by Express Bank.", "per_month_for": "\/ month for", "pay_monthly_installments_of": "Pay [no_of_installments] monthly installments of", "amount": "[amount] kr.", "with_express_bank": "with Express Bank.", "fees_and_interests_description": "0 kr. fees and 0 kr. interest rate." }, "product_step": { "charge_solution": "Ladelösung", "popular_addons": "Wählen Sie..." }, "progress_bar": { "basket": "Warenkorb", "payment": "Bezahlung", "subscription": "Subscription", "confirmation": "Bestätigung" }, "success_page": { "welcome_title": "Tak for din bestilling og velkommen til Spirii", "welcome_subtitle": "Vi ser frem til at gøre din ladeoplevelse nem og god.", "welcome_message": "Hvis du har spørgsmål er du velkommen til at kontakte os på +45 32 266 299 eller support@spirii.dk.", "welcome_order_info_bottom": "Need to update your information? Go to Self-service<\/a>", "your_order": "Din bestilling", "contact": "Kontakt", "address": "Adresse", "refusion": "Refusion", "account_reg": "Reg:", "account": "Konto:", "service_agreement": "Serviceaftale", "services": "Services", "spirii_connect": "Spirii Connect", "you_will_receive_mail": "Du modtager en mail indenfor kort tid med yderligere information.", "get_spirii_go": "Hent Spirii Go og kom i gang med det samme", "spirii_go_bullet1": "Connect, charge and go!", "spirii_go_bullet2": "Med Spirii Go har du mulighed for at styre egen opladning derhjemme og tjene penge ved at gøre din ladeboks offentlig tilgængelig", "spirii_go_bullet3": "Kør grønt og billigt. Få det fulde overblik over dit forbrug i kWh og planlæg opladning derhjemme", "spirii_go_bullet4": "Spirii Go er altid fuldt opdateret med de seneste smart charging funktioner og giver adgang til det offentlige ladenetværk i Danmark og resten af Europa", "payment": "Payment", "products": "Products", "credit_card": "Creditcard", "express_bank": "Express Bank", "invoice": "Invoice" }, "footer": { "contact": "Contact", "welcome_description": "Contact us if you need help in any way. We listen, care, and we always have time for a chat.", "address": "Bragesgade 8B", "email": "support@spirii.com", "phone": "(+45) 32 266 299", "vat_no": "CVR: DK-40657339", "help": "Help", "copyright": "Spirii. All rights reserved", "help_link_1_label": "Customer Support", "help_link_1_link": "mailto:support@spirii.com", "help_link_2_label": "Knowledge Base", "help_link_2_link": "https:\/\/help.spirii.com\/help", "help_link_3_label": "Self-Service Log In", "help_link_3_link": "https:\/\/selfservice.spirii.com", "policy_link_1_label": "Privacy Policy", "policy_link_1_link": "https:\/\/selfservice.spirii.com", "policy_link_2_label": "Data Protection", "policy_link_2_link": "https:\/\/selfservice.spirii.com", "policy_link_3_label": "Cookie Policy", "policy_link_3_link": "https:\/\/selfservice.spirii.com" }, "reimbursement": { "group_headline": "Refusion", "group_description": "You can get tax reimbursement if you don't already have tax-reducing electricity at your location", "accordion_question": "Do you already have tax-reducing electricity?", "accordion_description": "The refund earned will be refunded to these account details from your bank", "radio_input_yes": "Yes", "radio_input_no": "No" } }, "onboarding": { "checkbox_sidebar": { "your_order": "Ihre Bestellung", "almost_there": "Sie haben es fast geschafft", "terms_and_conditions": "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB)", "infotext": "Es wird automatisch ein Benutzerkonto in unserem Self-Service-Portal erstellt, wo Sie sich einen Überblick über Ihr Servicepaket verschaffen können.", "footer_first_line": "ist bei der Bestellung reserviert.", "footer_second_line": "Die Bezahlung des Spirii Connect Servicevertrages erfolgt künftig monatlich und erstmals bei Aktivierung der Ladebox.", "button_continue": "Weiter", "button_confirm": "Bestätigen", "mandatory": "Obligatorisch", "add_to_order": "Zur Bestellung hinzufügen", "added_to_order": "Zur Bestellung hinzugefügt", "price_recurring_postfix": "\/mo", "price_onetime_postfix": "", "bank_account_message": "Geben Sie hier Ihre Bankverbindung an, damit wir Ihnen Ihre Stromsteuer erstatten können.", "bank_account_registration": "Reg.-Nr.", "bank_account_registration_error": "Muss 4-stellig sein", "bank_account_number": "Konto-Nr.", "bank_account_number_error": "Max. 10 Ziffern", "bank_account_informative_text": "Die dänischen Bestimmungen erlauben es uns nur, die Steuererstattung direkt auf Ihr Bankkonto zu überweisen. Deshalb müssen Sie Ihre Bankdaten eingeben. Wir überweisen Ihnen dann vierteljährlich Ihre Steuererstattung.", "checkbox_1_description": "Ich bestätige, dass ich keine Solarzellen, Elektroheizung oder eine andere steuerfreie Stromerzeugung zu Hause habe.", "checkbox_2_description": "Ich habe Solarzellen, eine Elektroheizung oder eine andere steuerfreie Stromerzeugung zu Hause.", "checkbox_3_description": "Ich habe die geltenden AGB <\/a> und Datenschutz<\/a> gelesen und akzeptiere diese.", "checkbox_4_description": "Sie können mir gerne Neuigkeiten, Angebote und Informationen über Produkte und Dienstleistungen von Spirii schicken.", "terms_and_conditions_link": "https:\/\/spirii.dk\/betingelser-og-salgsvilkaar\/", "privacy_policy_link": "https:\\\/\\\/spirii.dk\\\/privatlivspolitik\\\/" }, "foldables": { "first_title": "Wie funktioniert die Erstattung?", "first_description": "Wenn Sie zu Hause mit einer Ladebox von Spirii laden, zahlen Sie Ihren eigenen Strompreis. <\/br> (Der Durchschnittspreis in Dänemark beträgt 2,2 DKK \/kWh). Mit einem Spirii Connect Servicevertrag erhalten Sie eine Rückerstattung der Stromgebühr, die Sie für den Strom zahlen, den Sie zum Aufladen verwenden. Die Erstattung beträgt zum 1. Januar 2022 DKK 1,12 \/ kWh. Das bedeutet, dass Sie 1,12 DKK pro kWh, die Sie zum Laden zu Hause verbrauchen, zurückerhalten. <\/br> Wir zahlen die Rückerstattung vierteljährlich - Januar, April, Juli und Oktober. <\/br> <\/br> Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie nur dann eine Rückerstattung der Stromsteuer erhalten können, wenn Sie keine Solarzellen, Geothermie, Elektroheizung oder andere eigene Stromerzeugung haben, für die Sie keine Stromsteuer zahlen.", "second_title": "Rechnet sich ein Spirii connect-Servicevertrag?", "second_description": "Berechnungen zeigen, dass sich, wenn Sie in erster Linie zu Hause laden und weniger als 30.000 km pro Jahr fahren möchten, eine Ladelösung, bei der Sie die Ladebox besitzen und über einen Servicevertrag Ihre Stromsteuer zurückerstattet bekommen, am meisten rechnet. <\/br> <\/br> Beispiel für Ihre Aufwendungen für das Laden zu Hause bei einem Fahrbedarf von 15.000 km pro Jahr und das Laden zu Hause an einer Ladebox mit Spirii Connect-Servicevertrag <\/br> <\/br> 15.000 km pro Jahr entsprechen etwa 3.000 kWh <\/br> <\/br> Jährliche Stromkosten: 3.000 kWh x DKK 2,2 \/ kWh = DKK 6.600 <\/br> <\/br> Jährliche Kosten für Spirii Connect Servicevertrag: 12 x 79 DKK = 948 DKK . <\/br> <\/br> Steuerrückerstattung pro Jahr: 3.000 kWh x DKK 1,12 = DKK 3.360 <\/br> <\/br> Steuerrückerstattung abzüglich Spirii Connect-Servicevertrag: (DKK 3.360 - DKK 948) = DKK 2.412 \/ Jahr <\/br> <\/ br > Nettokosten für den Fahrstrom pro Monat: (DKK 6.600 + DKK 948 - DKK 3.360) \/ 12 = DKK 349 \/ Monat.", "third_title": "Wie starte ich den Ladevorgang mit der App \/ dem Ladechip?", "third_description": " Spirii Key Charger: <\/b> Legen Sie Ihr Ladegerät auf das Symbol der Ladebox. Warten Sie auf einen Signalton und der Ladevorgang beginnt. Wenn Sie den Ladevorgang beenden möchten, ziehen Sie das Ladekabel zuerst aus dem Fahrzeug und dann aus der Ladebox. <\/br> <\/br> Spirii Go: <\/b> Suchen Sie Ihre Ladestation auf der Karte in der App, wählen Sie die Steckdose aus und drücken Sie auf Start . <\/br> <\/br> Wenn Sie den Ladevorgang beenden möchten, wählen Sie in der App \"Ende\", ziehen zuerst das Ladekabel aus dem Fahrzeug und dann aus der Ladebox.", "fourth_title": "Öffentliches Ladenetz von Spirii:", "fourth_description": "Um unser öffentliches Netz zu erweitern und zu verstärken, arbeiten wir mit vielen verschiedenen Partnern zusammen und installieren regelmäßig Ladestationen in ganz Dänemark. Wir nennen es Connected By Spirii und arbeiten heute u. a. mit Merkur Andelskasse, By og Havn, FDM, Sustain Recharge, Viggo, AURA Energi und mehreren Regionen und Gemeinden zusammen. Der Preis für das Laden im öffentlichen Netz von Spirii variiert daher ebenfalls, aber wir versuchen immer, ihn so niedrig wie möglich zu halten. Alle öffentlichen Connected By Spirii-Ladestationen und den aktuellen Strompreis sehen Sie in unserer App Spirii Go <\/a>" }, "main_info_box": { "text_main_header": "Ihr Vertrag", "text_main_subheader": "Connect-Servicevertrag", "text_main_intro": "Unser Spirii Connect-Servicevertrag ist speziell auf Sie zugeschnitten, wenn Sie das Elektroauto zu Hause an Ihrer eigenen Ladebox aufladen. Der Servicevertrag stellt sicher, dass Sie eine einfache, zuverlässige und intelligente Ladelösung erhalten. Sie erhalten vierteljährlich eine Rückerstattung der Stromsteuer, die Sie für den zu Hause verbrauchten Ladestrom zahlen - und das eins zu eins.", "bullet_1_default": "Spirii übernimmt die Rückerstattung der Stromkosten für das Aufladen zu Hause über die Ladebox. Die Erstattung beträgt zum 1. Januar 2022 DKK 1,12 pro kWh", "bullet_2_default": "Spirii stellt sicher, dass Ihre Ladebox immer funktionsfähig und auf dem neuesten Stand ist - ohne zusätzliche Kosten für Sie.", "bullet_3_default": "Zugang zu unserem Kundensupport, rund um die Uhr.", "bullet_4_default": "Zugang zum öffentlichen Netzwerk von Ladestationen von Spirii und einem großen eRoaming-Netzwerk in Dänemark und dem übrigen Europa.", "bullet_5_default": "Einfacher Zugang zum Laden im In- und Ausland über unsere App Spirii Go.", "bullet_6_default": "Verbrauchsübersicht in der Spirii Go App", "price_postfix": "\/mo", "footer_default": "6 Monate Bindung. Wir ziehen die Zahlung erst ein, wenn die Ladebox eingerichtet ist.", "footer_link": "Hier können Sie mehr dazu lesen" }, "progress_line": { "deal": "Angebot", "customer_info": "Kunden-Daten", "payment": "Zahlung" }, "user_form": { "your_information": "Ihre Daten", "thg-quotas-front": "Vorderseite", "thg-quotas-back": "Rückseite", "file-requirements": "Wichtige Hinweise, wenn Sie Ihre THG-Quote registrieren:" } }, "overlays": { "payment": { "reg_no": "Reg.-Nr.", "account_no": "Kontonummer", "add": "Hinzufügen", "invalid_reg": "Ungültige Reg.-Nr.", "invalid_account_no": "Ungültige Kontonummer", "cardholder_name": "Name des Karteninhabers", "name_required": "Name ist erforderlich", "add_payment_method": "Zahlungsmethode hinzufügen", "creditcard": "Kreditkarte", "bank_account": "Bankkonto" } }, "passwordresetpage": { "form": { "header": "Self-Service", "title": "Passwort zurücksetzen", "email": "E-Mail", "password": "Passwort", "confirm_password": "Passwort bestätigen", "request_reset": "Zurücksetzen des Kennworts anfordern", "request_error_message": "Wir konnten unter dieser E-Mail-Adresse keinen Benutzer finden.", "request_success_message": "Wir haben Ihnen eine E-Mail mit einem Link zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts gesendet. Wenn Sie sie nicht finden können, sollten Sie Ihren SPAM-Ordner überprüfen.", "login": "Anmelden", "reset_button": "Passwort zurücksetzen", "reset_error_message_no_user": "Wir konnten unter dieser E-Mail-Adresse keinen Benutzer finden.", "reset_error_message_password": "Das Passwort muss mindestens 8 Zeichen lang und beide Passwörter müssen identisch sein.", "reset_error_message_link": "Der Link zum Zurücksetzen ist nicht mehr gültig.", "reset_success_message": "Ihr Passwort wurde zurückgesetzt.", "login_to_selfservice": "Melden Sie sich beim Self-Service an" }, "email": { "button_text": "Reset password" } }, "payment": { "general": { "total": "TOTAL", "thereafter_price_per_month": "Thereafter {price} per month", "minimum_price_for_6_months": "Minimum price for 6 months", "14_days_return": "14 days full refund. You will automatically become an energy customer on subscription", "unit": "unit", "units": "units", "per_month": "\/mo", "payment_details": "Payment Details", "name_on_the_card": "Name on the card", "payment_will_be_made_through_a_secure_ssl_connection": "Payment will be made through a secure SSL connection", "pay": "PAY", "continue_with_express_bank": "Continue with Express Bank", "the_order_has_been_paid": "The order has been paid", "my_order": "My order", "card_number": "Card Number", "expiry_date": "Expiry Date", "card_cvc": "CVC", "card_number_invalid": "Cardnumber is invalid", "card_expiry_invalid": "Card expiry is invalid", "card_cvc_invalid": "Card CVC is invalid" }, "tax_reimbursement": { "headline": "Reimbursement", "description": "Some description info", "has_reduction_headline": "Do you already have tax reduction power?", "has_reduction_info": "Solar cell systems, geothermal heating systems, electric heating or other tax derogatory", "account_information": "Account information", "account_information_info": "The reimbursed earned is refunded to this contact information from your bank", "account_information_bank_reg": "Reg. number.", "account_information_bank_account": "Account. number.", "continue_to_payment": "Continue to Payment", "bank_account_has_to_be_a_number": "Account number may only contain numbers", "bank_reg_has_to_be_a_number": "Bank reg. number may only contain numbers", "step_1": "Reimbursement", "step_2": "Payment", "radio_input_yes": "Yes", "radio_input_no": "No" } }, "selfservicepage": { "bank_info_card": { "title": "BANKVERBINDUNG", "reg_no": "Reg. Nr.:", "account_no": "Konto:", "button_change_info": "DATEN ÄNDERN", "button_add_info": "DATEN HINZUFÜGEN", "payee": "Zahlungsempfänger THG-Quote:", "iban": "IBAN THG-Quote:" }, "cancel_service_agreement_card": { "title": "SERVICEVERTRAG KÜNDIGEN", "description": "Wenn Sie nach der 6-monatigen Bindungsfrist Ihren Servicevertrag nicht mehr weiterführen möchten, haben Sie keinen Anspruch mehr auf Rückerstattung der Stromsteuer und des Services für Ihre Ladestation.", "button": "SERVICEVERTRAG KÜNDIGEN" }, "change_password_card": { "title": "PASSWORT ÄNDERN", "current_password_label": "Aktuelles Passwort", "new_password_label": "Neues Passwort", "new_password_sublabel": "Mindestens 6 Zeichen, 1 Zahl, Groß- und Kleinbuchstaben", "confirm_password": "Neues Passwort bestätigen" }, "orders_card": { "title": "BESTELLUNGEN", "order": "Bestellung", "order_number": "Bestell-Nr.", "date": "Datum", "status": "Status", "show_more": "Mehr anzeigen", "fulfilled": "Ausgeführt", "processing": "Verarbeitung", "product": "Produkt", "price": "Preis", "price_postfix": "\/ mo.", "create_new_order": "NEUE BESTELLUNG" }, "payment_details_card": { "title": "ZAHLUNGSDETAILS", "invoice_method_description": "Sie zahlen auf Rechnung, und wir senden Ihnen jedes Mal, wenn Sie bezahlen müssen, eine Rechnung per E-Mail.", "ends_with": "endet mit", "expires_at": "Läuft ab um", "change_card_button": "KARTE WECHSELN", "add_card_button": "KARTE HINZUFÜGEN" }, "subscription": { "cancellation_success_message": "Ihr Abonnement wurde gekündigt und läuft ab", "no_products_chosen": "Sie haben keine Produkte ausgewählt.", "you_are_logged_in_as": "Sie sind angemeldet als", "address": "Adresse", "address_description": "Geben Sie Ihre Heimatadresse ein, an der die Ladebox installiert werden soll.", "phone": "Telefonnummer", "phone_description": "Geben Sie Ihre Telefonnummer an, damit wir Sie bezüglich Ihrer Bestellung kontaktieren können.", "subscription": "Abonnement", "status": "Status", "product": "Produkt", "price": "Preis", "startdate": "Beginn", "fixation_period": "Bindungsdauer", "cancelled_at": "Gekündigt am", "ends_at": "Endet am", "description": "Wenn Sie nach Ihrer Bindungsfrist von 6 Monaten Ihren Servicevertrag nicht mehr fortsetzen möchten, haben Sie keinen Anspruch mehr auf Rückerstattung der Stromsteuer und des Services für Ihre Ladestation.", "cancel_service_agreement": "SERVICEVERTRAG KÜNDIGEN", "desired_startdate": "Gewünschter Beginn", "cancelled": "Gekündigt", "planned": "Geplant", "active": "Aktiv", "are_you_sure": "SIND SIE SICHER?", "if_you_cancel": "Wenn Sie Ihren Servicevertrag kündigen, verpassen Sie diese Vorteile:", "no_keep_agreement": "NEIN, SERVICEVERTRAG EINHALTEN", "yes_cancel_agreement": "SERVICEVERTRAG KÜNDIGEN", "step1": "Volle Rückerstattung der Stromgebühr beim Laden zu Hause über die Ladebox", "step2": "Laufender Betrieb und Wartung Ihrer Ladebox", "step3": "Kundenservice 24\/7", "step4": "Laufende Firmware-Updates", "step5": "Kostenlose Fehlerbehebung und Service" }, "subscriptions_card": { "title": "ABONNEMENTS", "show_more": "Mehr anzeigen", "no_subscriptions": "Sie haben keine Abonnements." }, "transactions_card": { "title": "BELEGE", "download": "Herunterladen", "no_transactions": "Sie haben keine Belege", "order_number": "Best.-Nr.", "date": "Datum", "amount": "Betrag" } } }, "en": { "general": { "banner": { "congrats": "Congratulations! You are now created.\nHere's a little you should know", "welcome": "Welcome to Spirii. We look forward to making your charging experience easy and smooth.\nYou will now receive an email from us with more information about installing your charging box.\nIf you have any questions about your service agreement, please feel free to contact us, we are ready to help you.", "close": "Close", "test": "Test" }, "buttons": { "login": "Login", "logout": "Logout", "selfservice": "Selfservice", "save_changes": "SAVE CHANGES", "changes_saved": "CHANGES SAVED", "contact": "Contact", "remove": "Remove", "test": "Test" }, "footer": { "easy_access_to_charging": "GET EASY ACCESS TO CHARGING ACROSS EUROPE", "spirii_go_button": "SPIRII GO APP", "text": "Contact us if you need to speak. We listen, are curious and always have time for a chat.", "products": "PRODUCTS", "spirii_connect": "Spirii Connect", "spirii_go": "Spirii Go", "spirii_key": "Spirii Key", "charging_equip": "Charging Equipment", "e_roaming": "eRoaming", "customerservice": "CUSTOMER SERVICE", "contact": "Contact", "fees": "Fees", "faq": "FAQ", "cookie_policy": "Cookie policy", "about": "ABOUT SPIRII", "the_team": "Meet The Team", "spirii_address": "BRAGESGADE 8B, KØBENHAVN N", "spirii_email": "SUPPORT@SPIRII.COM", "spirii_phone": "(+45) 32 266 299", "copyright": "© spirii" }, "forms": { "field_required": "Field is required", "choose_quantity": "Select quantity" }, "hero": { "hero_label": "Connect Service Agreement", "hero_header": "Create Spirii Connect Service Agreement", "hero_description": "Order a service agreement for your new charging box here, so you are guaranteed the best and cheapest experience with charging at home." }, "user_form": { "personal_info": "Personal Information", "your_information": "Your Information", "company_name": "Company Name", "company_id_number": "Company Id", "ean": "EAN", "invoice_email": "Email for invoicing", "firstname": "First name", "lastname": "Last name", "email": "Email", "phone": "Phone", "address": "Address", "zipcode": "Zipcode", "city": "City", "country": "Country", "bank_reg": "Bank reg.", "bank_account": "Bank account", "button_edit": "Edit", "button_save": "Save", "button_cancel": "Cancel" } }, "loginpage": { "form": { "header": "Self-service", "title": "Log in to self-service", "email": "Email", "password": "Password", "forgot_password": "Forgot Password?", "error_message": "Incorrect email or password" } }, "new-ui": { "errors": { "common_text": "Something went wrong!" }, "basket": { "my_order": "My Order", "order_overview": "Order Overview", "products": "Products", "subscription": "Subscription", "price_recurring_postfix": "\/mo", "pay_monthly": "Pay\/mo", "pay_now": "Pay now", "total": "TOTAL", "is_empty": "Your cart is empty", "info": "Information", "subscription_binding_period": "The subscription has a binding period of minimum [min_months] months", "express_bank_months_info": "The [express_bank] payment is split over [per_month] months. You'll be paying [per_month_pay] kr\/mo.", "first_charge_info": "", "include_vat": "All prices include VAT.", "pay_monthly_express_bank": "Paid monthly via Express Bank", "pay_monthly_credit_card": "Paid monthly via Credit card", "minimum_price_for_six_months": "Minimum price for 6 months", "14_days_full_return": "14 days full return", "eb_option_to_split_payment": "You have the option to split the payment over [per_month] months with [per_month_pay] kr\/mo, with [express_bank]. Select the payment method in the next steps.", "eb_credit_info": "Express bank payment is spread across [per_month] months with a total of [per_month_pay] kr." }, "calendar": { "next_month": "Next month", "previous_month": "Previous month", "day_monday": "Mon", "day_tuesday": "Tue", "day_wednesday": "Wed", "day_thursday": "Thu", "day_friday": "Fri", "day_saturday": "Sat", "day_sunday": "Sun", "month_january": "January", "month_february": "February", "month_march": "March", "month_april": "April", "month_may": "May", "month_june": "June", "month_july": "July", "month_august": "August", "month_september": "September", "month_october": "October", "month_november": "November", "month_december": "December" }, "general": { "make_order": "Continue", "continue": "Continue", "confirm": "Confirm", "add": "Add", "remove": "Remove", "per_month": "\/mo.", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "checkbox_required": "Required", "months": "months", "or": "or", "with": "with" }, "image_dropzone": { "attach_file": "Attach file", "upload_file": "Upload file", "file_requirements": "PNG, PDF, JPEG. Max. 10Mb." }, "landing_page": { "page_header_label": "PACKAGE SOLUTION", "page_header_intro": "", "page_header_title": "Charge box including installation and service agreement*", "bullet_1": "Zaptec Go - the smallest and most efficient charge box in the market", "bullet_2": "Professional and authorised 11kW\/16A standard installation***", "bullet_3": "Spirii Connect service agreement with full operational guarantee, service and support.*", "bullet_4": "Automatic tax rebate on electricity consumption (depending on jurisdiction).", "bullet_5": "Installation and activation of your charge box within 4 weeks.", "bullet_6": "Smart management of your charge box and charging with the Spirii Go app.", "pay_now_title": "Pay now", "pay_now_subtitle": "Thereafter", "pay_now_terms": "Upon purchase, a service agreement from Spirii is established at 79 kr.\/month for a minimum of 6 months (minimum price 474 kr.). The agreement ensures automatic reimbursement of electricity tax and full warranty. The agreement can be terminated with one month's notice + current month and earliest 6 months after the agreement was established. Payment for the agreement is done monthly and first time when your charging box is activated.", "faqs_title": "Frequently asked questions", "faqs_question_1": "What does a standard installation include?", "faqs_answer_1": "1. Installation of a charging box that ensures that charging of your electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle is done with the greatest possible safety. At the same time, the installation meets the requirements that car manufacturers have in relation to their warranty.\n2. Delivery and installation as well as automatic securing for either 1- or 3-phase connection including N, applicable for both 16, 20 or 32 A and residual current breaker HPFI, either as a combination or separate units, in existing electrical panel. Residual current breaker is type A.\n3. From the existing group panel, the installer draws the installation cable of 5 g 6 mm2 up to 15 meters along existing floor or wall, bent, clipped or in appropriate size white plastic channel. The cable is mounted in the charging box. If there is a routing path, you will be invoiced per meter.\n4. The electrician tests that the charging box works and ensures that all connections are correctly connected and in accordance with current legislation.", "faqs_question_2": "What does a standard installation not include?", "faqs_answer_2": "Answer", "faqs_question_3": "Conditions for en standardinstallation", "faqs_answer_3": "Answer", "faqs_question_4": "How does tax rebate on electricity consumption work?", "faqs_answer_4": "Answer", "faqs_question_5": "What is the benefit of a service agreement?", "faqs_answer_5": "Answer", "hero_label": "Label", "hero_heading": "HEADING", "hero_description": "Description" }, "other_steps": { "has_tax_deduction_already": "Do you already have tax-reducing power?", "tax_deduction_subtitle": "Types of power that can reduce taxes include: solar panel systems, ground-source heat pumps, electric heating, and others.", "account_details": "Account details", "account_description": "The earned reimbursement will be refunded to this bank account.", "newsletter_consent": "Please send me news, offers and information about products and services from Spirii." }, "payment_step": { "payment_details": "Payment Details", "choose_method": "Select Payment Method", "invoice_payment_description": "You will receive an invoice on the specified invoice email", "card_number": "Card number *", "expiry_date": "Expiry date *", "cvc": "CVC *", "cardholders_name": "Cardholders name *", "secure_payment_description": "The payment is made through a secure SSL connection", "pay_with_credit_card_description": "Pay total amount with Credit Card", "pay_with_express_bank_description": "Express bank - Split your payment without interest or fees" }, "express_bank": { "credit_confirmed": "Your credit for your chargebox and installation was approved! \nPlease continue with the Spirii Connect Services.", "credit_declined": "Your credit for your chargebox and installation was declined. Please select a new payment method.", "credit_info": "The Spirii Connect service agreement cannot be financed with Express Bank. We will ask you to fill in your credit card details after your application has been approved by Express Bank.", "per_month_for": "\/ month for", "pay_monthly_installments_of": "Pay [no_of_installments] monthly installments of", "amount": "[amount] kr.", "with_express_bank": "with Express Bank.", "fees_and_interests_description": "zero fees and zero interest rate." }, "product_step": { "charge_solution": "", "popular_addons": "" }, "progress_bar": { "basket": "Basket", "payment": "Payment", "subscription": "Subscription", "confirmation": "Confirmation" }, "success_page": { "welcome_title": "Congratulations, we received your order!", "welcome_subtitle": "We are looking forward to making your charging experience easy and smooth.", "welcome_message": "", "welcome_order_info_bottom": "Need to update your information? Go to Self-service<\/a> or follow the link in the order confirmation email.", "your_order": "Your order", "contact": "Contact", "address": "Address", "refusion": "Reimbursement", "account_reg": "Reg:", "account": "Account:", "service_agreement": "Service agreement", "services": "Services", "spirii_connect": "Spirii Connect", "you_will_receive_mail": "", "get_spirii_go": "", "spirii_go_bullet1": "Connect, charge and go!", "spirii_go_bullet2": "With Spirii Go you can control your home charging and charge on the go. You can also make your charger available to the public where jurisdiction allows.", "spirii_go_bullet3": "Drive green and cheap. Get a full overview of your consumption and plan your charging at home.", "spirii_go_bullet4": "Spirii Go is always updated with the latest smart charging functionality and provides access to public charging networks in Denmark and the rest of Europe.", "payment": "Payment", "products": "Products", "credit_card": "Credit card", "express_bank": "Express Bank", "invoice": "Invoice" }, "footer": { "contact": "Contact", "welcome_description": "Contact us if you need help in any way. We listen, care, and we always have time for a chat.", "address": "Bragesgade 8B", "email": "support@spirii.com", "phone": "(+45) 32 266 299", "vat_no": "CVR: DK-40657339", "help": "Help", "copyright": "Spirii. All rights reserved", "help_link_1_label": "Customer Support", "help_link_1_link": "mailto:support@spirii.com", "help_link_2_label": "Knowledge Base", "help_link_2_link": "https:\/\/help.spirii.com\/help", "help_link_3_label": "Self-Service Log In", "help_link_3_link": "https:\/\/selfservice.spirii.com", "policy_link_1_label": "Privacy Policy", "policy_link_1_link": "https:\/\/spirii.com\/privacy-policy\/", "policy_link_2_label": "Terms and conditions", "policy_link_2_link": "https:\/\/spirii.com\/terms-and-conditions\/", "policy_link_3_label": "Cookie Policy", "policy_link_3_link": "https:\/\/spirii.com\/cookie-policy\/" }, "reimbursement": { "group_headline": "Reimbursement", "group_description": "You can get tax reimbursement if you don't already have tax-reducing electricity at your location (available in Denmark)", "accordion_question": "Do you already have tax-reducing electricity?", "accordion_description": "The refund earned will be refunded to this bank account.", "radio_input_yes": "Yes", "radio_input_no": "No" } }, "onboarding": { "checkbox_sidebar": { "your_order": "Your order", "almost_there": "You are almost there", "terms_and_conditions": "Terms & Conditions", "infotext": "You create a user automatically in our selfservice portal, where you can get an overview of your service agreement.", "footer_first_line": "is reserved when ordering.", "footer_second_line": "Settlement of Spirii Connect service agreement will in future take place monthly and for the first time when the charging box is activated.", "button_continue": "Continue", "button_confirm": "Confirm", "mandatory": "Mandatory", "add_to_order": "Add to order", "added_to_order": "Added to order", "price_recurring_postfix": "\/mo", "price_onetime_postfix": "", "bank_account_message": "Enter your bank details here so we can refund your electricity tax.", "bank_account_registration": "Reg. no.", "bank_account_registration_error": "Must be 4 digits", "bank_account_number": "Account no.", "bank_account_number_error": "Max 10 digits", "bank_account_informative_text": "The Danish rules only allow us to pay the tax refund directly to your bank account. You must therefore enter your account information. We will then refund your tax refund quarterly.", "checkbox_1_description": "I confirm that I do not have solar cells, electric heating or other tax-free electricity production at home.", "checkbox_2_description": "I have solar cells, electric heating or other tax-free electricity production at home.", "checkbox_3_description": "I have read and accept the applicable terms and conditions. <\/ A > and privatlivspolitik", "checkbox_4_description": "Feel free to send me news, offers and information about products and services from Spirii.", "terms_and_conditions_link": "https:\/\/spirii.dk\/betingelser-og-salgsvilkaar\/", "privacy_policy_link": "https:\\\/\\\/spirii.dk\\\/privatlivspolitik\\\/" }, "foldables": { "first_title": "How does reimbursement work?", "first_description": "If you charge at home on a charging box from Spirii, you pay your own electricity price. <\/br> (The average price in Denmark is 2.2 DKK \/ kWh). With a Spirii Connect service agreement, you receive a refund of the electricity fee you pay for the electricity you use for charging. The refund rate is per. October 1st 2022 DKK 89.9 øre \/ kWh. This means that you get DKK 89.9 øre back per. kWh, which you use for charging at home. <\/br> We pay the refund every quarter - January, April, July and October. <\/br> <\/br> Please note that you can only receive a refund of the electricity tax if you have not solar cells, geothermal, electric heating or other self-produced electricity, for which you do not pay electricity tax.", "second_title": "Can it pay off with a Spirii connect service agreement?", "second_description": "Calculations show that if you primarily want to charge at home and drive less than 30,000 km a year, a charging solution where you own the charging box and via a service agreement get your electricity tax refunded pays off best. <\/br> <\/br> Example of your expenses for charging at home with a driving need of 15,000 km per year and charging at home on a charging box with Spirii Connect service agreement <\/br> <\/br> 15,000 km per year corresponds to approx. 3,000 kWh <\/br> <\/br> Annual cost for electricity: 3,000 kWh x DKK 2.2 \/ kWh = DKK 6,600 <\/br> <\/br> Annual cost for Spirii Connect service agreement: 12 x DKK 79 = DKK 948 . <\/br> <\/br> Tax refund per. year: 3,000 kWh x DKK = DKK 3,360 <\/br> <\/br> Tax refund minus Spirii Connect service agreement: (DKK 3,360 - DKK 948) = DKK 2,412 \/ year <\/br> <\/ br > Net expense for driving current per month: (DKK 6,600 + DKK 948 - DKK 3,360) \/ 12 = DKK 349 \/ month.", "third_title": "How do I start charging with the app \/ charging chip?", "third_description": " Spirii Key Charger: <\/b> Place your charger on the charging box symbol. Wait for a beep and charging will start. When you want to finish charging, take the charging cable out of the car first and then out of the charging box. <\/br> <\/br> Spirii Go: <\/b> Find your charging stand on the map in the app, select outlet and press start . <\/br> <\/br> When you want to end charging, select \"End\" in the app, first take the charging cable out of the car and then out of the charging box.", "fourth_title": "Spirii's public charging network:", "fourth_description": "In order to expand and strengthen our public network, we collaborate with many different partners and regularly set up charging stations throughout Denmark. We call it Connected By Spirii and today we collaborate i.a. with Merkur Andelskasse, By og Havn, FDM, Sustain Recharge, Viggo, AURA Energi and several regions and municipalities. The price for charging in Spirii's public network therefore also varies, but we always try to keep it as low as possible. You can see all public Connected By Spirii charging stands and the current electricity price in our app Spirii Go < \/ a>" }, "main_info_box": { "text_main_header": "Your agreement", "text_main_subheader": "Connect Service Agreement", "text_main_intro": "Our Spirii Connect service agreement is specially formulated to suit you who charge the electric car at home on your own charging box. The service agreement ensures that you get a simple, reliable and smart charging solution. Every quarter, you receive a refund of the electricity tax you pay for electricity used for charging at home - one-on-one.", "bullet_1_default": "Spirii handles and reimburses your refundable electricity charge on charging made at home via the charging box. The refund rate is per. 1 January 2022 DKK 89.9 øre pr. kWh", "bullet_2_default": "Spirii ensures that your charging box always works and is fully updated - at no extra cost to you.", "bullet_3_default": "Access to our customer support, around the clock.", "bullet_4_default": "Access to Spirii's public network of charging stations and a large eRoaming network in Denmark and the rest of Europe.", "bullet_5_default": "Easy access for charging both at home and abroad via our app Spirii Go.", "bullet_6_default": "Consumption overview in the Spirii Go app", "price_postfix": "\/mo", "footer_default": "6 months bond. We only deduct the payment when the charging box is established.", "footer_link": "Read more here." }, "progress_line": { "deal": "Deal", "customer_info": "Customer Info", "payment": "Payment" }, "user_form": { "your_information": "Your information", "thg-quotas-front": "THG Quotas Front", "thg-quotas-back": "THG Quotas Back", "file-requirements": "Accepted file types are png, jpg, jpeg and pdf. Files must have a filesize of maximum 10Mb." } }, "overlays": { "payment": { "reg_no": "Reg.no.", "account_no": "Account Number", "add": "Add", "invalid_reg": "Invalid Reg. No.", "invalid_account_no": "Invalid Account No.", "cardholder_name": "Cardholder name", "name_required": "Name is required", "add_payment_method": "Add payment method", "creditcard": "Creditcard", "bank_account": "Bank account" } }, "passwordresetpage": { "form": { "header": "Self Service", "title": "Reset Password", "email": "Email", "password": "Password", "confirm_password": "Confirm password", "request_reset": "Request Password Reset", "request_error_message": "We could not find a user with this email.", "request_success_message": "We have sent you an email with a password reset link. If you can not find it, remember to check your SPAM inbox.", "login": "Login", "reset_button": "Reset password", "reset_error_message_no_user": "We could not find a user with this email.", "reset_error_message_password": "The password must be min. 8 characters and the two passwords must be the same.", "reset_error_message_link": "The reset link is no longer valid.", "reset_success_message": "Your password has been reset.", "login_to_selfservice": "Log in to selfservice" }, "email": { "button_text": "Reset password" } }, "payment": { "general": { "total": "TOTAL", "thereafter_price_per_month": "Thereafter {price} per month", "minimum_price_for_6_months": "Minimum price for 6 months", "14_days_return": "14 days full refund. You will automatically become an energy customer on subscription", "unit": "unit", "units": "units", "per_month": "\/mo", "payment_details": "Payment Details", "name_on_the_card": "Name on the card", "payment_will_be_made_through_a_secure_ssl_connection": "Payment will be made through a secure SSL connection", "pay": "PAY", "continue_with_express_bank": "Continue with Express Bank", "the_order_has_been_paid": "The order has been paid", "my_order": "My order", "card_number": "Card Number", "expiry_date": "Expiry Date", "card_cvc": "CVC", "card_number_invalid": "Cardnumber is invalid", "card_expiry_invalid": "Card expiry is invalid", "card_cvc_invalid": "Card CVC is invalid" }, "tax_reimbursement": { "headline": "Reimbursement", "description": "Some description info", "has_reduction_headline": "Do you already have tax reduction power?", "has_reduction_info": "Solar panel systems, ground-source heat pumps, electric heating, and others.", "account_information": "Account information", "account_information_info": "The reimbursed earned is refunded to this contact information from your bank", "account_information_bank_reg": "Reg. number.", "account_information_bank_account": "Account. number.", "continue_to_payment": "Continue to Payment", "bank_account_has_to_be_a_number": "Account number may only contain numbers", "bank_reg_has_to_be_a_number": "Bank reg. number may only contain numbers", "step_1": "Reimbursement", "step_2": "Payment", "radio_input_yes": "Yes", "radio_input_no": "No" } }, "selfservicepage": { "bank_info_card": { "title": "BANK INFORMATION", "reg_no": "Reg. no .:", "account_no": "Account:", "button_change_info": "CHANGE INFORMATION", "button_add_info": "ADD INFORMATION", "payee": "Payee name", "iban": "IBAN" }, "cancel_service_agreement_card": { "title": "CANCEL SERVICE AGREEMENT", "description": "If you no longer wish - after your binding period of 6 months, to have your service agreement, you will no longer be able to get a refund of electricity tax and service on your charging station.", "button": "CANCEL SERVICE AGREEMENT" }, "change_password_card": { "title": "CHANGE PASSWORD", "current_password_label": "Current password", "new_password_label": "New password", "new_password_sublabel": "Minimum 6 characters, 1 number, uppercase and lowercase letters", "confirm_password": "Confirm new password" }, "orders_card": { "title": "ORDERS", "order": "Order", "order_number": "Order no.", "date": "Date", "status": "Status", "show_more": "Show more", "fulfilled": "Fulfilled", "processing": "Processing", "product": "Product", "price": "Price", "price_postfix": "\/ mo.", "create_new_order": "CREATE NEW ORDER" }, "payment_details_card": { "title": "PAYMENT DETAILS", "invoice_method_description": "You pay on invoice, and we send an invoice to you by e-mail every time you have to pay.", "ends_with": "ends with", "expires_at": "Expires at", "change_card_button": "CHANGE CARD", "add_card_button": "ADD CARD" }, "subscription": { "cancellation_success_message": "Your subscription has been terminated and it will expire", "no_products_chosen": "You have not selected any products.", "you_are_logged_in_as": "You are logged in as", "address": "Address", "address_description": "Enter your home address where the charging box is to be installed.", "phone": "Phone number", "phone_description": "Enter your phone number so that we may can contact you regarding your order.", "subscription": "Subscription", "status": "Status", "product": "Product", "price": "Price", "startdate": "Start date", "fixation_period": "Fixation Period", "cancelled_at": "Cancelled At", "ends_at": "Ends At", "description": "If you no longer wish - after your binding period of 6 months - to have your service agreement, you will no longer be able to get a refund of electricity tax and service on your charging station.", "cancel_service_agreement": "CANCEL SERVICE AGREEMENT", "desired_startdate": "Desired Start Date", "cancelled": "Cancelled", "planned": "Planned", "active": "Active", "are_you_sure": "ARE YOU SURE?", "if_you_cancel": "If you terminate your service agreement, you will miss out on these benefits:", "no_keep_agreement": "NO, KEEP SERVICE AGREEMENT", "yes_cancel_agreement": "TERMINATE SERVICE AGREEMENT", "step1": "Full refund of electricity charge on charging made at home via the charging box", "step2": "Ongoing operation and maintenance of your charging box", "step3": "24\/7 customer support", "step4": "Ongoing firmware updates", "step5": "Free bug fixes and service" }, "subscriptions_card": { "title": "SUBSCRIPTIONS", "show_more": "Show more", "no_subscriptions": "You have no subscriptions." }, "transactions_card": { "title": "RECEIPTS", "download": "Download", "no_transactions": "You have no receipts", "order_number": "Order no.", "date": "Date", "amount": "Amount" } } }, "es": { "general": { "banner": { "congrats": "Felicidades! Ahora estás registrado.\nAquí hay algo que deberías saber", "welcome": "Bienvenido a Spirii. Esperamos hacer de tu experiencia de carga fácil y buena.\nAhora recibirás un correo electrónico de nosotros con más información sobre la instalación de tu caja de carga.\nSi tienes alguna pregunta sobre tu acuerdo de servicio, no dudes en contactarnos, estamos listos para ayudarte.", "close": "Cerrar", "test": "Test" }, "buttons": { "login": "Iniciar sesión", "logout": "Cerrar sesión", "selfservice": "Servicio automático", "save_changes": "GUARDAR CAMBIOS", "changes_saved": "CAMBIOS GUARDADOS", "contact": "Contacto", "remove": "Eliminar", "test": "Prueba" }, "footer": { "easy_access_to_charging": "ACCEDE FÁCILMENTE A LA CARGA EN TODA EUROPA", "spirii_go_button": "APP SPIRII GO", "text": "Contáctanos si necesitas hablar. Escuchamos, somos curiosos y siempre tenemos tiempo para charlar.", "products": "PRODUCTOS", "spirii_connect": "Spirii Connect", "spirii_go": "Spirii Go", "spirii_key": "Spirii Key", "charging_equip": "Equipo de carga", "e_roaming": "eRoaming", "customerservice": "SERVICIO AL CLIENTE", "contact": "Contacto", "fees": "Tarifas", "faq": "PREGUNTAS FRECUENTES", "cookie_policy": "Política de cookies", "about": "ACERCA DE SPIRII", "the_team": "Conoce al equipo", "spirii_address": "BRAGESGADE 8B, KØBENHAVN N", "spirii_email": "SUPPORT@SPIRII.COM", "spirii_phone": "(+45) 32 266 299", "copyright": "© spirii" }, "forms": { "field_required": "El campo es requerido.", "choose_quantity": "Seleccionar cantidad" }, "hero": { "hero_label": "Connect Acuerdo de servicio", "hero_header": "Crear acuerdo de servicio de Spirii Connect", "hero_description": "Ordene aquí un acuerdo de servicio para su nueva caja de carga, para garantizar la mejor y más económica experiencia con la carga en casa." }, "user_form": { "personal_info": "Información personal", "your_information": "Su información", "company_name": "Nombre de la empresa", "company_id_number": "Número de identificación de la empresa", "ean": "EAN", "invoice_email": "Correo electrónico para facturación", "firstname": "Nombre", "lastname": "Apellido", "email": "Correo electrónico", "phone": "Teléfono", "address": "Dirección", "zipcode": "Código postal", "city": "Ciudad", "country": "País", "bank_reg": "Registro bancario", "bank_account": "Cuenta bancaria", "button_edit": "EDITAR", "button_save": "GUARDAR", "button_cancel": "CANCELAR" } }, "loginpage": { "form": { "header": "Servicio al cliente", "title": "Iniciar sesión en el servicio al cliente", "email": "Correo electrónico", "password": "Contraseña", "forgot_password": "¿Contraseña olvidada?", "error_message": "Correo electrónico o contraseña incorrectos." } }, "new-ui": { "errors": { "common_text": "Something went wrong!" }, "basket": { "my_order": "Mi Pedido", "order_overview": "Resumen del Pedido", "products": "Productos", "subscription": "Suscripción", "price_recurring_postfix": "\/mes", "pay_monthly": "Pagar mensualmente", "pay_now": "Pagar ahora", "total": "TOTAL", "is_empty": "Tu carrito está vacío", "info": "Información", "subscription_binding_period": "El período de suscripción tiene un período de vinculación de al menos [min_months] meses", "express_bank_months_info": "El pago [express_bank] se divide en [per_month] meses. Pagarás [per_month_pay] kr\/mes.", "first_charge_info": "Comenzarás a pagar por la suscripción la primera vez que cargues tu coche.", "include_vat": "Todos los precios incluyen IVA.", "pay_monthly_express_bank": "Pagado mensualmente a través de Express Bank", "pay_monthly_credit_card": "Pagado mensualmente a través de tarjeta de crédito", "minimum_price_for_six_months": "Precio mínimo por seis meses.", "14_days_full_return": "14 días de devolución completa.", "eb_option_to_split_payment": "Tienes la opción de dividir el pago en [per_month] meses con [per_month_pay] kr\/mes, con [express_bank]. Selecciona el método de pago en los próximos pasos.", "eb_credit_info": "El pago de Express bank se extiende a lo largo de [per_month] meses con un total de [per_month_pay] kr." }, "calendar": { "next_month": "Próximo mes", "previous_month": "Mes anterior", "day_monday": "Lunes", "day_tuesday": "Martes", "day_wednesday": "Miércoles", "day_thursday": "Jueves", "day_friday": "Viernes", "day_saturday": "Sábado", "day_sunday": "Domingo", "month_january": "Enero", "month_february": "Febrero", "month_march": "Marzo", "month_april": "Abril", "month_may": "Mayo", "month_june": "Junio", "month_july": "Julio", "month_august": "Agosto", "month_september": "Septiembre", "month_october": "Octubre", "month_november": "Noviembre", "month_december": "Diciembre" }, "general": { "make_order": "Hacer pedido", "continue": "Continuar", "confirm": "Confirmar", "add": "Añadir", "remove": "Eliminar", "per_month": "Por mes", "yes": "Sí", "no": "No", "checkbox_required": "Casilla de verificación necesaria", "months": "meses", "or": "o", "with": "con" }, "image_dropzone": { "attach_file": "Adjuntar archivo", "upload_file": "Subir archivo", "file_requirements": "PNG, PDF, JPEG. Max. 10Mb." }, "landing_page": { "page_header_label": "PAKKELØSNING", "page_header_intro": "", "page_header_title": "Ladeboks inkl. installation, serviceaftale* og refusion", "bullet_1": "Zaptec Go - markedets mindste, effektive ladeboks", "bullet_2": "Professionel og autoriseret 11kW\/16A standardinstallation***", "bullet_3": "Spirii Connect serviceaftale med fuld driftsgaranti, service, support og refusion til kun 79 kr.\/mdr.*", "bullet_4": "Automatisk refusion af elafgift på 1,12 kr. pr. kWh", "bullet_5": "Installation og aktivering af ladeboks inden for 4 uger", "bullet_6": "Smart styring af din ladeboks og opladning med Spirii Go appen", "pay_now_title": "Betal nu 9.999 kr.", "pay_now_subtitle": "Herefter 79 kr.\/mdr.", "pay_now_terms": "* Ved køb oprettes en serviceaftale fra Spirii til 79\\n' +\n 'kr.\/md. i minimum 6 måneder (mindstepris 474 kr.). Aftalen sikrer dig automatisk refusion af\\n' +\n 'elafgift og fuld garanti. Aftalen kan opsiges med en måneds varsel + løbende måned og\\n' +\n 'tidligst 6 måneder efter indgåelse af aftale.  Betaling for aftalen sker månedsvis og første\\n' +\n 'gang når din ladeboks aktiveres.", "faqs_title": "Ofte stillede spørgsmål", "faqs_question_1": "Hvad får man med en standardinstallation?", "faqs_answer_1": "1. Installation af ladeboks, der sikrer at opladning af din elbil eller plugin hybrid sker med størst mulig sikkerhed. Samtidig opfylder installationen de krav, som bilfabrikanterne stiller i henhold til deres garanti.\\n' +\n '\\n' +\n '2. Levering og installation samt automatsikring til enten 1- eller 3- faset tilslutning inklusiv N, gældende for både 16, 20 eller 32 A og fejlstrømsafbryder HPFI, enten som kombi eller separate enheder, i eksisterende el-tavle. Fejlstrømsafbryder er type A.\\n' +\n '\\n' +\n '3. Fra eksisterende gruppetavle trækker installatøren installationskabel på 5 g 6 mm2 op til 15 meter langs eksisterende gulv eller væg, bøjlet, klipset eller i passende størrelse hvid plastkanal. Kablet monteres i ladeboks. Ved eventuel føringsvej faktureres du pr. meter.\\n' +\n '\\n' +\n '4. Elinstallatøren tester, at ladeboks fungerer og sikrer, at alle forbindelser er tilsluttet korrekt og i henhold til gældende lovgivning.", "faqs_question_2": "Hvad ligger typisk ud over standardinstallationen?", "faqs_answer_2": "Answer", "faqs_question_3": "Betingelser for en standardinstallation", "faqs_answer_3": "Answer", "faqs_question_4": "Hvordan fungerer refusion af elafgift?", "faqs_answer_4": "Answer", "faqs_question_5": "Kan det betale sig med en serviceaftale?", "faqs_answer_5": "Answer", "hero_label": "Label", "hero_heading": "HEADING", "hero_description": "Description" }, "other_steps": { "has_tax_deduction_already": "Har du allerede afgiftsnedsættende strøm?", "tax_deduction_subtitle": "Solcelleanlæg, jordvarmeanlæg, elvarme eller anden afgiftnedsættende.", "account_details": "Kontooplysninger", "account_description": "Den optjente refusion tilbagebetales til disse kontooplysninger fra din bank", "newsletter_consent": "Send mig gerne nyheder, tilbud og information om produkter og ydelser fra Spirii." }, "payment_step": { "payment_details": "Detalles de pago", "choose_method": "Seleccionar método de pago", "invoice_payment_description": "Recibirá una factura en el correo electrónico de facturación indicado.", "card_number": "Número de tarjeta*", "expiry_date": "Fecha de vencimiento*", "cvc": "CVC *", "cardholders_name": "Nombre del titular de la tarjeta *", "secure_payment_description": "La transacción se realiza a través de una conexión SSL segura.", "pay_with_credit_card_description": "Realizar el pago total con tarjeta de crédito", "pay_with_express_bank_description": "Express Bank - Dividir el pago sin intereses ni comisiones.\n" }, "express_bank": { "credit_confirmed": "Your credit for your chargebox and installation was approved! \nPlease continue with the Spirii Connect Services.", "credit_declined": "Your credit for your chargebox and installation was declined. Please select a new payment method.", "credit_info": "The Spirii Connect Services cannnot be financed with Express Bank. We will ask you to fill in your creditcard informations after your application has been approved by Express Bank.", "per_month_for": "\/ month for", "pay_monthly_installments_of": "Pay [no_of_installments] monthly installments of", "amount": "[amount] kr.", "with_express_bank": "with Express Bank.", "fees_and_interests_description": "0 kr. fees and 0 kr. interest rate." }, "product_step": { "charge_solution": "Solución de carga", "popular_addons": "Complementos populares" }, "progress_bar": { "basket": "Carrito", "payment": "Pago", "subscription": "Suscripción", "confirmation": "Confirmación" }, "success_page": { "welcome_title": "Gracias por tu pedido", "welcome_subtitle": "Esperamos contar con usted como cliente", "welcome_message": "Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros", "welcome_order_info_bottom": "¿Necesita actualizar su información? Visite Auto-servicio<\/a>", "your_order": "Tu pedido", "contact": "Contacto", "address": "Dirección", "refusion": "", "account_reg": "Núm. de registro:", "account": "Cuenta:", "service_agreement": "Acuerdo de servicio", "services": "Servicios", "spirii_connect": "Spirii Connect", "you_will_receive_mail": "Recibirá un correo con más información", "get_spirii_go": "Obtén Spirii Go ahora", "spirii_go_bullet1": "¡Conecta, carga y vete!", "spirii_go_bullet2": "¡Con Spirii Go tienes la oportunidad de controlar tu propia carga en casa y ganar dinero al hacer tu caja de carga públicamente disponible!", "spirii_go_bullet3": "Conduce de manera verde y económica. Obtén una visión completa de tu consumo en kWh y planifica la carga en casa", "spirii_go_bullet4": "Spirii Go siempre está completamente actualizado con las últimas funciones de carga inteligente y brinda acceso a la red de carga pública en Dinamarca y el resto de Europa", "payment": "Pago", "products": "Productos", "credit_card": "Tarjeta de crédito", "express_bank": "", "invoice": "Factura" }, "footer": { "contact": "Contacto", "welcome_description": "Contáctanos si necesitas ayuda de cualquier manera. Escuchamos, nos importa y siempre tenemos tiempo para charlar.", "address": "Bragesgade 8B", "email": "support@spirii.com", "phone": "(+45) 32 266 299", "vat_no": "CVR: DK-40657339", "help": "Ayuda", "copyright": "Spirii. All rights reserved", "help_link_1_label": "Soporte al cliente", "help_link_1_link": "mailto:support@spirii.com", "help_link_2_label": "Base de conocimiento", "help_link_2_link": "https:\/\/help.spirii.com\/help", "help_link_3_label": "Iniciar sesión en el autoservicio", "help_link_3_link": "https:\/\/selfservice.spirii.com", "policy_link_1_label": "Política de privacidad", "policy_link_1_link": "https:\/\/selfservice.spirii.com", "policy_link_2_label": "Protección de datos", "policy_link_2_link": "https:\/\/selfservice.spirii.com", "policy_link_3_label": "Política de cookies", "policy_link_3_link": "https:\/\/selfservice.spirii.com" }, "reimbursement": { "group_headline": "Refusion", "group_description": "You can get tax reimbursement if you don't already have tax-reducing electricity at your location", "accordion_question": "Do you already have tax-reducing electricity?", "accordion_description": "The refund earned will be refunded to these account details from your bank", "radio_input_yes": "Yes", "radio_input_no": "No" } }, "onboarding": { "checkbox_sidebar": { "your_order": "Su pedido", "almost_there": "Usted está casi listo", "terms_and_conditions": "Términos y condiciones\n", "infotext": "Crea un usuario automáticamente en nuestro portal de autoservicio, donde puede obtener una visión general de su acuerdo de servicio.", "footer_first_line": "se reserva al realizar el pedido.", "footer_second_line": "El acuerdo de servicio Spirii Connect se liquidará mensualmente en el futuro y por primera vez cuando se active la caja de carga.", "button_continue": "Continuar", "button_confirm": "Confirmar", "mandatory": "Obligatorio", "add_to_order": "Agregar a la pedido", "added_to_order": "Agregado a la pedido", "price_recurring_postfix": "\/mo", "price_onetime_postfix": "", "bank_account_message": "Ingrese sus detalles bancarios aquí para que podamos reembolsarle su impuesto de electricidad (DK).", "bank_account_registration": "No. de reg.", "bank_account_registration_error": "Debe ser de 4 dígitos", "bank_account_number": "Número de cuenta", "bank_account_number_error": "Máximo 10 dígitos", "bank_account_informative_text": "Las normas danesas solo nos permiten pagar el reembolso de impuestos directamente a su cuenta bancaria. Por lo tanto, debe ingresar la información de su cuenta. Luego, reembolsaremos su reembolso de impuestos trimestralmente.", "checkbox_1_description": "Confirmo que no tengo paneles solares, calefacción eléctrica u otra producción de electricidad exenta de impuestos en casa.", "checkbox_2_description": "Tengo paneles solares, calefacción eléctrica u otra producción de electricidad exenta de impuestos en casa.", "checkbox_3_description": "He leído y acepto los términos y condiciones aplicables y la privacidad ", "checkbox_4_description": "No dude en enviarme noticias, ofertas e información sobre productos y servicios de Spirii.", "terms_and_conditions_link": "https:\/\/spirii.dk\/betingelser-og-salgsvilkaar\/", "privacy_policy_link": "https:\\\/\\\/spirii.dk\\\/privatlivspolitik\\\/" }, "foldables": { "first_title": "How does reimbursement work?", "first_description": "If you charge at home on a charging box from Spirii, you pay your own electricity price. <\/br> (The average price in Denmark is 2.2 DKK \/ kWh). With a Spirii Connect service agreement, you receive a refund of the electricity fee you pay for the electricity you use for charging. The refund rate is per. 1 January 2022 DKK 1.12 \/ kWh. This means that you get DKK 1.12 back per. kWh, which you use for charging at home. <\/br> We pay the refund every quarter - January, April, July and October. <\/br> <\/br> Please note that you can only receive a refund of the electricity tax if you have not solar cells, geothermal, electric heating or other self-produced electricity, for which you do not pay electricity tax.", "second_title": "Can it pay off with a Spirii connect service agreement?", "second_description": "Calculations show that if you primarily want to charge at home and drive less than 30,000 km a year, a charging solution where you own the charging box and via a service agreement get your electricity tax refunded pays off best. <\/br> <\/br> Example of your expenses for charging at home with a driving need of 15,000 km per year and charging at home on a charging box with Spirii Connect service agreement <\/br> <\/br> 15,000 km per year corresponds to approx. 3,000 kWh <\/br> <\/br> Annual cost for electricity: 3,000 kWh x DKK 2.2 \/ kWh = DKK 6,600 <\/br> <\/br> Annual cost for Spirii Connect service agreement: 12 x DKK 79 = DKK 948 . <\/br> <\/br> Tax refund per. year: 3,000 kWh x DKK 1.12 = DKK 3,360 <\/br> <\/br> Tax refund minus Spirii Connect service agreement: (DKK 3,360 - DKK 948) = DKK 2,412 \/ year <\/br> <\/ br > Net expense for driving current per month: (DKK 6,600 + DKK 948 - DKK 3,360) \/ 12 = DKK 349 \/ month.", "third_title": "How do I start charging with the app \/ charging chip?", "third_description": " Spirii Key Charger: <\/b> Place your charger on the charging box symbol. Wait for a beep and charging will start. When you want to finish charging, take the charging cable out of the car first and then out of the charging box. <\/br> <\/br> Spirii Go: <\/b> Find your charging stand on the map in the app, select outlet and press start . <\/br> <\/br> When you want to end charging, select \"End\" in the app, first take the charging cable out of the car and then out of the charging box.", "fourth_title": "Spirii's public charging network:", "fourth_description": "In order to expand and strengthen our public network, we collaborate with many different partners and regularly set up charging stations throughout Denmark. We call it Connected By Spirii and today we collaborate i.a. with Merkur Andelskasse, By og Havn, FDM, Sustain Recharge, Viggo, AURA Energi and several regions and municipalities. The price for charging in Spirii's public network therefore also varies, but we always try to keep it as low as possible. You can see all public Connected By Spirii charging stands and the current electricity price in our app Spirii Go < \/ a>" }, "main_info_box": { "text_main_header": "Su acuerdo", "text_main_subheader": "Acuerdo de servicio de conexión", "text_main_intro": "Nuestro acuerdo de servicio de conexión Spirii está especialmente formulado para adaptarse a usted, quien carga su automóvil eléctrico en casa en su propia caja de carga. El acuerdo de servicio garantiza que obtenga una solución de carga sencilla, confiable y avanzada. Cada trimestre, recibirá un reembolso de la tarifa de electricidad reembolsable que paga por la electricidad utilizada para cargar en casa, uno a uno.", "bullet_1_default": "Spirii maneja y reembolsa su tarifa de electricidad reembolsable en la carga realizada en casa a través de la caja de carga. La tasa de reembolso es por 1 de enero de 2022 DKK 1.12 por kWh", "bullet_2_default": "Spirii asegura que su caja de carga siempre funcione y esté completamente actualizada, sin costo adicional para usted.", "bullet_3_default": "Acceso a nuestro soporte al cliente, las 24 horas del día.", "bullet_4_default": "Acceso a la red pública de estaciones de carga de Spirii y a una amplia red eRoaming en Dinamarca y el resto de Europa.", "bullet_5_default": "Fácil acceso para cargar tanto en casa como en el extranjero a través de nuestra aplicación Spirii Go.", "bullet_6_default": "Resumen de consumo en la aplicación Spirii Go", "price_postfix": "\/mo", "footer_default": "6 meses de fianza. Solo deducimos el pago cuando se establece la caja de carga.", "footer_link": "Lea más aquí." }, "progress_line": { "deal": "Acuerdo", "customer_info": "Información del cliente", "payment": "Pago" }, "user_form": { "your_information": "Información personal", "thg-quotas-front": "Cuotas THG frontal", "thg-quotas-back": "Cuotas THG traseras", "file-requirements": "Los tipos de archivo aceptados son png, jpg, jpeg y pdf. Los archivos deben tener un tamaño de archivo máximo de 10 MB." } }, "overlays": { "payment": { "reg_no": "Número de registro", "account_no": "Número de cuenta", "add": "Añadir", "invalid_reg": "Número de registro inválido", "invalid_account_no": "Número de cuenta inválido", "cardholder_name": "Nombre del titular de la tarjeta", "name_required": "El nombre es obligatorio", "add_payment_method": "Agregar método de pago", "creditcard": "Tarjeta de crédito", "bank_account": "Cuenta bancaria" } }, "passwordresetpage": { "form": { "header": "Auto Servicio", "title": "Reestablecer contraseña", "email": "Correo electrónico", "password": "Contraseña", "confirm_password": "Confirmar contraseña", "request_reset": "Solicitar reestablecimiento de contraseña", "request_error_message": "No pudimos encontrar un usuario con este correo electrónico.", "request_success_message": "Te hemos enviado un correo electrónico con un enlace para reestablecer la contraseña. Si no puede encontrarlo, recuerde revisar su bandeja de SPAM.", "login": "Iniciar sesión", "reset_button": "Reestablecer contraseña", "reset_error_message_no_user": "No pudimos encontrar un usuario con este correo electrónico.", "reset_error_message_password": "La contraseña debe tener un mínimo de 8 caracteres y los dos contraseñas deben ser iguales.", "reset_error_message_link": "El enlace de reinicio ya no es válido.", "reset_success_message": "Tu contraseña ha sido reestablecida.", "login_to_selfservice": "Iniciar sesión en Auto Servicio" }, "email": { "button_text": "Reestablecer contraseña" } }, "payment": { "general": { "total": "TOTAL", "thereafter_price_per_month": "Precio a partir de ahí por mes: {price}", "minimum_price_for_6_months": "Precio mínimo por 6 meses", "14_days_return": "14 días de reembolso total. Automáticamente se convertirá en cliente de energía con suscripción.", "unit": "unidad", "units": "unidades", "per_month": "\/mes", "payment_details": "Detalles de pago", "name_on_the_card": "Nombre en la tarjeta", "payment_will_be_made_through_a_secure_ssl_connection": "El pago se realizará a través de una conexión segura SSL", "pay": "PAGAR", "continue_with_express_bank": "Continuar con Express Bank", "the_order_has_been_paid": "El pedido ha sido pagado", "my_order": "Mi pedido", "card_number": "Número de tarjeta", "expiry_date": "Fecha de vencimiento", "card_cvc": "CVC", "card_number_invalid": "Número de tarjeta inválido", "card_expiry_invalid": "Fecha de vencimiento inválida", "card_cvc_invalid": "CVC de tarjeta inválido" }, "tax_reimbursement": { "headline": "Reimbursement", "description": "Some description info", "has_reduction_headline": "Do you already have tax reduction power?", "has_reduction_info": "Solar cell systems, geothermal heating systems, electric heating or other tax derogatory", "account_information": "Account information", "account_information_info": "The reimbursed earned is refunded to this contact information from your bank", "account_information_bank_reg": "Reg. number.", "account_information_bank_account": "Account. number.", "continue_to_payment": "Continue to Payment", "bank_account_has_to_be_a_number": "Account number may only contain numbers", "bank_reg_has_to_be_a_number": "Bank reg. number may only contain numbers", "step_1": "Reimbursement", "step_2": "Payment", "radio_input_yes": "Yes", "radio_input_no": "No" } }, "selfservicepage": { "bank_info_card": { "title": "INFORMACIÓN BANCARIA", "reg_no": "Número de registro:", "account_no": "Cuenta:", "button_change_info": "CAMBIAR INFORMACIÓN", "button_add_info": "AGREGAR INFORMACIÓN", "payee": "Beneficiario de cotización THG", "iban": "Cotización THG: IBAN" }, "cancel_service_agreement_card": { "title": "CANCELAR ACUERDO DE SERVICIO", "description": "Si ya no desea tener su acuerdo de servicio después de su período de compromiso de 6 meses, ya no podrá obtener un reembolso de impuesto y servicio en su estación de carga.", "button": "CANCELAR ACUERDO DE SERVICIO" }, "change_password_card": { "title": "CAMBIAR CONTRASEÑA", "current_password_label": "Contraseña actual", "new_password_label": "Nueva contraseña", "new_password_sublabel": "Mínimo 6 caracteres, 1 número, letras mayúsculas y minúsculas", "confirm_password": "Confirmar nueva contraseña" }, "orders_card": { "title": "PEDIDOS", "order": "Pedido", "order_number": "No. de pedido", "date": "Fecha", "status": "Estado", "show_more": "Mostrar más", "fulfilled": "Cumplido", "processing": "Procesamiento", "product": "Producto", "price": "Precio", "price_postfix": "\/ mo.", "create_new_order": "CREAR NUEVO PEDIDO" }, "payment_details_card": { "title": "DETALLES DE PAGO", "invoice_method_description": "Usted paga por factura, y le enviamos una factura por correo electrónico cada vez que tiene que pagar.", "ends_with": "termina con", "expires_at": "Expira a", "change_card_button": "CAMBIAR TARJETA", "add_card_button": "AGREGAR TARJETA" }, "subscription": { "cancellation_success_message": "Su suscripción ha sido terminada y vencerá", "no_products_chosen": "No ha seleccionado ningún producto.", "you_are_logged_in_as": "Estás conectado como", "address": "Dirección", "address_description": "Ingrese su dirección de domicilio donde se instalará la estación de carga.", "phone": "Número de teléfono", "phone_description": "Ingrese su número de teléfono para que podamos contactarlo con respecto a su orden.", "subscription": "Suscripción", "status": "Estado", "product": "Producto", "price": "Precio", "startdate": "Fecha de inicio", "fixation_period": "Período de fijación", "cancelled_at": "Cancelado en", "ends_at": "Termina en", "description": "Si ya no desea - después de su período de compromiso de 6 meses - tener su acuerdo de servicio, ya no podrá obtener un reembolso de impuestos y servicios sobre su estación de carga.", "cancel_service_agreement": "CANCELAR ACUERDO DE SERVICIO", "desired_startdate": "Fecha deseada de inicio", "cancelled": "Cancelado", "planned": "Planificado", "active": "Activo", "are_you_sure": "¿ESTÁS SEGURO?", "if_you_cancel": "Si termina su acuerdo de servicio, perderá estos beneficuentos:", "no_keep_agreement": "NO, MANTENER ACUERDO DE SERVICIO", "yes_cancel_agreement": "TERMINAR ACUERDO DE SERVICIO", "step1": "Reembolso total de la tarifa de electricidad por la carga en el hogar a través de la estación de carga", "step2": "Operación y mantenimiento continuo de su estación de carga", "step3": "Soporte al cliente 24\/7", "step4": "Actualizaciones continuas del firmware", "step5": "Arreglo gratuito y servicio" }, "subscriptions_card": { "title": "SUSCRIPCIONES", "show_more": "Mostrar más", "no_subscriptions": "No tienes suscripciones." }, "transactions_card": { "title": "RECIBO", "download": "Descargar", "no_transactions": "No tienes recibos", "order_number": "Núm. de orden", "date": "Fecha", "amount": "Cantidad" } } }, "fr": { "general": { "banner": { "congrats": "Félicitations ! Vous avez maintenant été créé.\nVoici ce que vous devez savoir.", "welcome": "Bienvenue sur Spirii. Nous avons hâte de rendre votre expérience de charge facile et agréable.\nVous allez maintenant recevoir un e-mail de notre part avec plus d'informations sur l'installation de votre boîtier de charge.\nSi vous avez des questions sur votre accord de service, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter, nous sommes prêts à vous aider.", "close": "Fermer", "test": "Test" }, "buttons": { "login": "Connexion", "logout": "Déconnexion", "selfservice": "Auto-service", "save_changes": "ENREGISTRER LES MODIFICATIONS", "changes_saved": "MODIFICATIONS ENREGISTRÉES", "contact": "Contact", "remove": "Supprimer", "test": "Test" }, "footer": { "easy_access_to_charging": "ACCÉDER FACILEMENT À LA CHARGE PARTOUT EN EUROPE", "spirii_go_button": "APPLICATION SPIRII GO", "text": "Contactez-nous si vous devez parler. Nous écoutons, sommes curieux et avons toujours du temps pour discuter.", "products": "PRODUITS", "spirii_connect": "Spirii Connect", "spirii_go": "Spirii Go", "spirii_key": "Spirii Key", "charging_equip": "Equipement de charge", "e_roaming": "eRoaming - Interopérabilité", "customerservice": "SERVICE CLIENT", "contact": "Contact", "fees": "Frais", "faq": "FAQ", "cookie_policy": "Politique de cookies", "about": "À PROPOS DE SPIRII", "the_team": "Rencontrez l'équipe", "spirii_address": "BRAGESGADE 8B, KØBENHAVN N", "spirii_email": "SUPPORT@SPIRII.COM", "spirii_phone": "(+45) 32 266 299", "copyright": "© spirii" }, "forms": { "field_required": "Champ obligatoire", "choose_quantity": "Sélectionner la quantité" }, "hero": { "hero_label": "Connect Service Agreement", "hero_header": "Create Spirii Connect Service Agreement", "hero_description": "Commander ici votre package de borne de recharge afin d'avoir la meilleure expérience de recharge à domicile." }, "user_form": { "personal_info": "Informations personnelles", "your_information": "Vos informations", "company_name": "Nom de l'entreprise", "company_id_number": "ID de l'entreprise", "ean": "EAN", "invoice_email": "Email de facturation", "firstname": "Prénom", "lastname": "Nom de famille", "email": "Email", "phone": "Téléphone", "address": "Adresse", "zipcode": "Code Postal", "city": "Ville", "country": "Pays", "bank_reg": "Informations bancaires", "bank_account": "Numéro de compte", "button_edit": "Modifier", "button_save": "Enregistrer", "button_cancel": "Annuler" } }, "loginpage": { "form": { "header": "Commande", "title": "Se connecter", "email": "Email", "password": "Mot de passe", "forgot_password": "Mot de passe oublié? ", "error_message": "Email ou mot de passe invalide" } }, "new-ui": { "errors": { "common_text": "Une erreur s'est produite ! " }, "basket": { "my_order": "Ma commande", "order_overview": "Récapitulatif de commande", "products": "Produits", "subscription": "Souscription", "price_recurring_postfix": "\/mois", "pay_monthly": "Prix \/ mois", "pay_now": "A payer dès à présent", "total": "TOTAL", "is_empty": "Votre panier est vide", "info": "Information", "subscription_binding_period": "L'abonnement a une durée d'engagement de [min_months] mois", "express_bank_months_info": "The [express_bank] payment is split over [per_month] months. You'll be paying [per_month_pay] kr\/mo.", "first_charge_info": "Vous commencerez à payer l'abonnement uniquement lors de votre première recharge", "include_vat": "Tous les prix sont TTC", "pay_monthly_express_bank": "Payé mensuellement par virement bancaire ", "pay_monthly_credit_card": "Payé mensuellement par CB", "minimum_price_for_six_months": "Prix au minimum pour 6 mois", "14_days_full_return": "14 dages fuld fortrydelsesret. Du bliver automatisk elkunde ved bestilling.", "eb_option_to_split_payment": "You have the option to split the payment over [per_month] months with [per_month_pay] kr\/mo, with [express_bank]. Select the payment method in the next steps.", "eb_credit_info": "Express bank payment is spread across [per_month] months with a total of [per_month_pay] kr." }, "calendar": { "next_month": "Mois prochain", "previous_month": "Mois précédent", "day_monday": "Lundi", "day_tuesday": "Mardi", "day_wednesday": "Mercredi", "day_thursday": "Jeudi", "day_friday": "Vendredi", "day_saturday": "Samedi", "day_sunday": "Dimanche", "month_january": "Janvier", "month_february": "Février", "month_march": "Mars", "month_april": "Avril", "month_may": "Mai", "month_june": "Juin", "month_july": "Juillet", "month_august": "Août", "month_september": "Septembre", "month_october": "Octobre", "month_november": "Novembre", "month_december": "Décembre" }, "general": { "make_order": "Commander", "continue": "Continuer", "confirm": "Confirmer", "add": "Ajouter", "remove": "Supprimer", "per_month": "\/mois", "yes": "Oui", "no": "Non", "checkbox_required": "Obligatoire", "months": "Mois", "or": "Ou", "with": "Avec" }, "image_dropzone": { "attach_file": "Joindre un fichier", "upload_file": "Télécharger un fichier", "file_requirements": "PNG, PDF, JPEG. Max. 10Mb." }, "landing_page": { "page_header_label": "PAKKELØSNING", "page_header_intro": "", "page_header_title": "Ladeboks inkl. installation, serviceaftale* og refusion", "bullet_1": "Zaptec Go - markedets mindste, effektive ladeboks", "bullet_2": "Professionel og autoriseret 11kW\/16A standardinstallation***", "bullet_3": "Spirii Connect serviceaftale med fuld driftsgaranti, service, support og refusion til kun 79 kr.\/mdr.*", "bullet_4": "Automatisk refusion af elafgift på 1,12 kr. pr. kWh", "bullet_5": "Installation og aktivering af ladeboks inden for 4 uger", "bullet_6": "Smart styring af din ladeboks og opladning med Spirii Go appen", "pay_now_title": "Betal nu 9.999 kr.", "pay_now_subtitle": "Herefter 79 kr.\/mdr.", "pay_now_terms": "* Ved køb oprettes en serviceaftale fra Spirii til 79\\n' +\n 'kr.\/md. i minimum 6 måneder (mindstepris 474 kr.). Aftalen sikrer dig automatisk refusion af\\n' +\n 'elafgift og fuld garanti. Aftalen kan opsiges med en måneds varsel + løbende måned og\\n' +\n 'tidligst 6 måneder efter indgåelse af aftale.  Betaling for aftalen sker månedsvis og første\\n' +\n 'gang når din ladeboks aktiveres.", "faqs_title": "Consulter notre centre d'aide", "faqs_question_1": "Vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur l'installation standard ? ", "faqs_answer_1": "1\/ L'installation d'un chargeur garantit que la recharge de votre voiture électrique ou hybride rechargeable est aussi sûre que possible. En même temps, l'installation répond aux exigences de la garantie du constructeur automobile.\n2\/ Fourniture et installation d'un disjoncteur pour connexion monophasée ou triphasée incluant N, applicable aussi bien pour les disjoncteurs différentiels 16, 20 ou 32 A que pour les disjoncteurs à courant résiduel HPFI, en unités combinées ou séparées, dans un tableau existant. Le disjoncteur différentiel est de type A.\n3\/ À partir du tableau existant, l'installateur fait passer un câble d'installation de 5 g 6 mm2 jusqu'à 15 mètres le long du sol ou du mur existant, en boucle, clipsé ou dans un conduit en plastique blanc de taille appropriée. Le câble est installé dans le chargeur. Pour tout acheminement, vous serez facturé au mètre.\n4\/ L'électricien vérifie que le chargeur fonctionne et s'assure que toutes les connexions sont correctement connectées et conformément à la législation en vigueur.", "faqs_question_2": "Lire les conditions générales de vente d'une installation standard", "faqs_answer_2": "Answer", "faqs_question_3": "Betingelser for en standardinstallation", "faqs_answer_3": "Answer", "faqs_question_4": "Hvordan fungerer refusion af elafgift?", "faqs_answer_4": "Answer", "faqs_question_5": "Kan det betale sig med en serviceaftale?", "faqs_answer_5": "Answer", "hero_label": "Label", "hero_heading": "HEADING", "hero_description": "Description" }, "other_steps": { "has_tax_deduction_already": "Har du allerede afgiftsnedsættende strøm?", "tax_deduction_subtitle": "Solcelleanlæg, jordvarmeanlæg, elvarme eller anden afgiftnedsættende.", "account_details": "Kontooplysninger", "account_description": "Den optjente refusion tilbagebetales til disse kontooplysninger fra din bank", "newsletter_consent": "Send mig gerne nyheder, tilbud og information om produkter og ydelser fra Spirii." }, "payment_step": { "payment_details": "Détails du paiement", "choose_method": "Choisir une méthode de paiement", "invoice_payment_description": "Du modtager en faktura på den angivne fakturaemail", "card_number": "Numéro de carte *", "expiry_date": "Date d'expiration * ", "cvc": "CVC *", "cardholders_name": "Titulaire de la carte *", "secure_payment_description": "The payment is made through a secure SSL connection", "pay_with_credit_card_description": "Pay total amount with Credit Card", "pay_with_express_bank_description": "Express bank - Split your payment without interest or fees" }, "express_bank": { "credit_confirmed": "Votre paiement de la borne de recharge et de l'installation a été approuvé ", "credit_declined": "Votre paiement a été refusé. Merci de choisir un autre moyen de paiement ", "credit_info": "The Spirii Connect Services cannnot be financed with Express Bank. We will ask you to fill in your creditcard informations after your application has been approved by Express Bank.", "per_month_for": "\/ mois pour", "pay_monthly_installments_of": "Payer [no_of_installments] installations par mois ", "amount": "[amount] euros", "with_express_bank": "with Express Bank.", "fees_and_interests_description": "0€. frais and 0€. taux d'intérêt " }, "product_step": { "charge_solution": "Solution de recharge", "popular_addons": "" }, "progress_bar": { "basket": "Panier", "payment": "Paiement", "subscription": "Souscription", "confirmation": "Confirmation" }, "success_page": { "welcome_title": "Merci pour votre commande ! ", "welcome_subtitle": "Nous sommes ravis de pouvoir vous accompagner dans l'installation de votre borne", "welcome_message": "Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous", "welcome_order_info_bottom": "Besoin de modifier vos informations? Go to Self-service<\/a>", "your_order": "Votre commande", "contact": "Contact", "address": "Adresse", "refusion": "Remboursement", "account_reg": "Reg no:", "account": "Account:", "service_agreement": "Service Agreement", "services": "Services", "spirii_connect": "Spirii Connect En", "you_will_receive_mail": "Vous allez recevoir un e-mail de confirmation", "get_spirii_go": "Obtenez Spirii Go dès à présent ", "spirii_go_bullet1": "Connect, charge and go! En", "spirii_go_bullet2": "Avec Spirii Go, vous avez la possibilité de contrôler votre recharge à domicile et de monétiser votre borne en la rendant publique ! ", "spirii_go_bullet3": "Drive green and cheap. Get the full overview of your consumption in kWh and plan charging at home", "spirii_go_bullet4": "Spirii Go is always fully updated with the latest smart charging functions and provides access to the public charging network in Denmark and the rest of Europe", "payment": "Paiement", "products": "Produit", "credit_card": "Carte de Crédit", "express_bank": "Express Bank", "invoice": "Facture" }, "footer": { "contact": "Contact", "welcome_description": "Contactez-nous en cas de besoin, nous sommes toujours disponibles ", "address": "", "email": "support-ev@edenred.com", "phone": "", "vat_no": "", "help": "Aide", "copyright": "Spirii. tous droits réservés", "help_link_1_label": "Service client", "help_link_1_link": "mailto:support-ev@edenred.com", "help_link_2_label": "Base de connaissance", "help_link_2_link": "https:\/\/help.spirii.com\/help", "help_link_3_label": "Self-Service Log In", "help_link_3_link": "https:\/\/selfservice.spirii.com", "policy_link_1_label": "Privacy Policy", "policy_link_1_link": "https:\/\/selfservice.spirii.com", "policy_link_2_label": "Data Protection", "policy_link_2_link": "https:\/\/selfservice.spirii.com", "policy_link_3_label": "Cookie Policy", "policy_link_3_link": "https:\/\/selfservice.spirii.com" }, "reimbursement": { "group_headline": "Remboursement", "group_description": "You can get tax reimbursement if you don't already have tax-reducing electricity at your location", "accordion_question": "Do you already have tax-reducing electricity?", "accordion_description": "Votre remboursement sera payé sur les détails de votre banque ", "radio_input_yes": "Oui", "radio_input_no": "Non" } }, "onboarding": { "checkbox_sidebar": { "your_order": "Votre commande", "almost_there": "Vous y êtes presque ! ", "terms_and_conditions": "Termes & Conditions", "infotext": "You create a user automatically in our selfservice portal, where you can get an overview of your service agreement.", "footer_first_line": "is reserved when ordering.", "footer_second_line": "Settlement of Spirii Connect service agreement will in future take place monthly and for the first time when the charging box is activated.", "button_continue": "Continuer", "button_confirm": "Confirmer", "mandatory": "Obligatoire", "add_to_order": "Ajouter au panier", "added_to_order": "Ajouté au panier", "price_recurring_postfix": "\/mois", "price_onetime_postfix": "", "bank_account_message": "Renseignez vos informations bancaires pour pouvoir être remboursé(e)", "bank_account_registration": "Reg. no.", "bank_account_registration_error": "Must be 4 digits", "bank_account_number": "Account no.", "bank_account_number_error": "Max 10 digits", "bank_account_informative_text": "The Danish rules only allow us to pay the tax refund directly to your bank account. You must therefore enter your account information. We will then refund your tax refund quarterly.", "checkbox_1_description": "I confirm that I do not have solar cells, electric heating or other tax-free electricity production at home.", "checkbox_2_description": "I have solar cells, electric heating or other tax-free electricity production at home.", "checkbox_3_description": "I have read and accept the applicable terms and conditions. <\/ A > and privatlivspolitik", "checkbox_4_description": "Feel free to send me news, offers and information about products and services from Spirii.", "terms_and_conditions_link": "https:\/\/spirii.dk\/betingelser-og-salgsvilkaar\/", "privacy_policy_link": "https:\\\/\\\/spirii.dk\\\/privatlivspolitik\\\/" }, "foldables": { "first_title": "Comment le remboursement des recharges fonctionne-t-il ? ", "first_description": "If you charge at home on a charging box from Spirii, you pay your own electricity price. <\/br> (The average price in Denmark is 2.2 DKK \/ kWh). With a Spirii Connect service agreement, you receive a refund of the electricity fee you pay for the electricity you use for charging. The refund rate is per. 1 January 2022 DKK 1.12 \/ kWh. This means that you get DKK 1.12 back per. kWh, which you use for charging at home. <\/br> We pay the refund every quarter - January, April, July and October. <\/br> <\/br> Please note that you can only receive a refund of the electricity tax if you have not solar cells, geothermal, electric heating or other self-produced electricity, for which you do not pay electricity tax.", "second_title": "Can it pay off with a Spirii connect service agreement?", "second_description": "Calculations show that if you primarily want to charge at home and drive less than 30,000 km a year, a charging solution where you own the charging box and via a service agreement get your electricity tax refunded pays off best. <\/br> <\/br> Example of your expenses for charging at home with a driving need of 15,000 km per year and charging at home on a charging box with Spirii Connect service agreement <\/br> <\/br> 15,000 km per year corresponds to approx. 3,000 kWh <\/br> <\/br> Annual cost for electricity: 3,000 kWh x DKK 2.2 \/ kWh = DKK 6,600 <\/br> <\/br> Annual cost for Spirii Connect service agreement: 12 x DKK 79 = DKK 948 . <\/br> <\/br> Tax refund per. year: 3,000 kWh x DKK 1.12 = DKK 3,360 <\/br> <\/br> Tax refund minus Spirii Connect service agreement: (DKK 3,360 - DKK 948) = DKK 2,412 \/ year <\/br> <\/ br > Net expense for driving current per month: (DKK 6,600 + DKK 948 - DKK 3,360) \/ 12 = DKK 349 \/ month.", "third_title": "How do I start charging with the app \/ charging chip?", "third_description": " Spirii Key Charger: <\/b> Place your charger on the charging box symbol. Wait for a beep and charging will start. When you want to finish charging, take the charging cable out of the car first and then out of the charging box. <\/br> <\/br> Spirii Go: <\/b> Find your charging stand on the map in the app, select outlet and press start . <\/br> <\/br> When you want to end charging, select \"End\" in the app, first take the charging cable out of the car and then out of the charging box.", "fourth_title": "Spirii's public charging network:", "fourth_description": "In order to expand and strengthen our public network, we collaborate with many different partners and regularly set up charging stations throughout Denmark. We call it Connected By Spirii and today we collaborate i.a. with Merkur Andelskasse, By og Havn, FDM, Sustain Recharge, Viggo, AURA Energi and several regions and municipalities. The price for charging in Spirii's public network therefore also varies, but we always try to keep it as low as possible. You can see all public Connected By Spirii charging stands and the current electricity price in our app Spirii Go < \/ a>" }, "main_info_box": { "text_main_header": "Your agreement", "text_main_subheader": "Connect Service Agreement", "text_main_intro": "Our Spirii Connect service agreement is specially formulated to suit you who charge the electric car at home on your own charging box. The service agreement ensures that you get a simple, reliable and smart charging solution. Every quarter, you receive a refund of the electricity tax you pay for electricity used for charging at home - one-on-one.", "bullet_1_default": "Spirii handles and reimburses your refundable electricity charge on charging made at home via the charging box. The refund rate is per. 1 January 2022 DKK 1.12 pr. kWh", "bullet_2_default": "Spirii ensures that your charging box always works and is fully updated - at no extra cost to you.", "bullet_3_default": "Access to our customer support, around the clock.", "bullet_4_default": "Access to Spirii's public network of charging stations and a large eRoaming network in Denmark and the rest of Europe.", "bullet_5_default": "Easy access for charging both at home and abroad via our app Spirii Go.", "bullet_6_default": "Consumption overview in the Spirii Go app", "price_postfix": "\/mo", "footer_default": "6 months bond. We only deduct the payment when the charging box is established.", "footer_link": "Read more here." }, "progress_line": { "deal": "Deal", "customer_info": "Customer Info", "payment": "Payment" }, "user_form": { "your_information": "Your information", "thg-quotas-front": "THG Quotas Front", "thg-quotas-back": "THG Quotas Back", "file-requirements": "Accepted file types are png, jpg, jpeg and pdf. Files must have a filesize of maximum 10Mb." } }, "overlays": { "payment": { "reg_no": "Reg.no.", "account_no": "Numéro de compte bancaire", "add": "Ajouter", "invalid_reg": "Informations bancaires incorrectes", "invalid_account_no": "Informations du compte incorrectes", "cardholder_name": "Nom du titulaire de la carte", "name_required": "Nom requis", "add_payment_method": "Ajouter une méthode de paiement", "creditcard": "Carte de crédit", "bank_account": "Compte bancaire" } }, "passwordresetpage": { "form": { "header": "Self Service", "title": "Réinitialiser le mot de passe", "email": "Email", "password": "Mot de passe", "confirm_password": "Confirmer le mot de passe", "request_reset": "Mot de passe oublié ? ", "request_error_message": "Nous n'avons trouvé aucun compte associé à cet email", "request_success_message": "Nous vous avons envoyé un email avec un lien pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe. Vérifier vos spams \/ courriers indésirables si vous ne l'avez pas reçu dans votre boîte de réception", "login": "Identifiant", "reset_button": "Réinitialisation du mot de passe", "reset_error_message_no_user": "Nous n'avons trouvé aucun compte associé à cet email", "reset_error_message_password": "Le mot de passe doit contenir au minimum 8 caractères. Les deux mots de passe renseignés doivent correspondre", "reset_error_message_link": "Le lien de réinitialisation du mot de passe n'est plus valide", "reset_success_message": "Votre mot de passe a bien été réinitialisé", "login_to_selfservice": "Se connecter" }, "email": { "button_text": "Réinitialiser le mot de passe" } }, "payment": { "general": { "total": "TOTAL", "thereafter_price_per_month": "Thereafter {price} per month", "minimum_price_for_6_months": "Prix minimum pour 6 mois", "14_days_return": "14 days full refund. You will automatically become an energy customer on subscription", "unit": "unit", "units": "units", "per_month": "\/mois", "payment_details": "Payment Details", "name_on_the_card": "Nom sur la carte", "payment_will_be_made_through_a_secure_ssl_connection": "Le paiement se fait par une connexion sécurisée ", "pay": "PAYER", "continue_with_express_bank": "Continue with Express Bank", "the_order_has_been_paid": "La commande a été réglée", "my_order": "Ma commande", "card_number": "Numéro de carte", "expiry_date": "Date d'expiration", "card_cvc": "CVC", "card_number_invalid": "Numéro de cate invalide", "card_expiry_invalid": "Date d'expiration de la carte invalide", "card_cvc_invalid": "Numéro CVC invalide" }, "tax_reimbursement": { "headline": "Remboursement", "description": "Informations", "has_reduction_headline": "Do you already have tax reduction power?", "has_reduction_info": "Solar cell systems, geothermal heating systems, electric heating or other tax derogatory", "account_information": "Informations de votre compte", "account_information_info": "Le remboursement sera effectué sur les contacts bancaires fournis ci-après", "account_information_bank_reg": "Reg. number.", "account_information_bank_account": "Numéro de compte", "continue_to_payment": "Continuer vers le paiement", "bank_account_has_to_be_a_number": "Le numéro de compte ne doit contenir que des chiffres", "bank_reg_has_to_be_a_number": "Votre compte banque ne doit contenir que des chiffres", "step_1": "Remboursement", "step_2": "Paiement", "radio_input_yes": "Oui", "radio_input_no": "Non" } }, "selfservicepage": { "bank_info_card": { "title": "Informations bancaires", "reg_no": "Code banque", "account_no": "Numéro de compte", "button_change_info": "Modifier les informations", "button_add_info": "Ajouter des informations", "payee": "THG Quote Payee", "iban": "THG Quote: IBAN" }, "cancel_service_agreement_card": { "title": "Annulation de ma commande", "description": "If you no longer wish - after your binding period of 6 months, to have your service agreement, you will no longer be able to get a refund of electricity tax and service on your charging station.", "button": "CANCEL SERVICE AGREEMENT" }, "change_password_card": { "title": "Modifier le mot de passe", "current_password_label": "Mot de passe actuel", "new_password_label": "Nouveau mot de passe", "new_password_sublabel": "Le mot de passe doit contenir au minimum 6 caractères, 1 chiffre, des majuscules et des minuscules", "confirm_password": "Confirmer le nouveau mot de passe" }, "orders_card": { "title": "Commandes", "order": "Commande", "order_number": "Numéro de commande", "date": "Date", "status": "Statut", "show_more": "Plus", "fulfilled": "Complété", "processing": "En cours", "product": "Produit", "price": "Prix", "price_postfix": "\/ mois", "create_new_order": "Créer une nouvelle commande" }, "payment_details_card": { "title": "Informations de paiement", "invoice_method_description": "Votre paiement se fait sur facture. Nous vous enverrons la facture par email à chaque fois qu'une nouveau paiement est dû. ", "ends_with": "Se termine par", "expires_at": "Expire le", "change_card_button": "Changer de carte", "add_card_button": "Ajouter une carte" }, "subscription": { "cancellation_success_message": "Votre abonnement a pris fin et expirera le ", "no_products_chosen": "Aucun produit sélectionné", "you_are_logged_in_as": "Vous êtes connecté en tant que", "address": "Adresse", "address_description": "Entrez l'adresse de votre domicile où votre borne de recharge sera installée", "phone": "Numéro de téléphone", "phone_description": "Merci de renseigner votre numéro de téléphone afin que vous soyez recontacté(e) pour votre installation", "subscription": "Souscription", "status": "Statut", "product": "Produit", "price": "Prix", "startdate": "Date de démarrage", "fixation_period": "Fixation Period", "cancelled_at": "Annulé le ", "ends_at": "Date de fin", "description": "Si vous désirez mettre fin (après une période 6 mois) au service de remboursement à domicile, vous ne serez plus remboursé(e) de vos recharges à domicile", "cancel_service_agreement": "Annulation du service de remboursement", "desired_startdate": "Date de démarrage souhaitée", "cancelled": "Annulé", "planned": "Planned", "active": "Active", "are_you_sure": "Etes-vous sûr ? ", "if_you_cancel": "Si vous annulez le service de remboursement, vous ne pourrez plus bénéficier des services suivants : ", "no_keep_agreement": "Non, maintenir le service de remboursement", "yes_cancel_agreement": "Confirmer l'annulation du service de remboursement", "step1": "Full refund of electricity charge on charging made at home via the charging box", "step2": "Opération de maintenance de votre borne de recharge à domicile", "step3": "Service client 24\/7", "step4": "Mises à jour logicielles", "step5": "Free bug fixes and service" }, "subscriptions_card": { "title": "SUBSCRIPTIONS", "show_more": "Plus", "no_subscriptions": "Vous n'avez aucune commande en cours" }, "transactions_card": { "title": "RECEIPTS", "download": "Télécharger", "no_transactions": "Vous n'avez aucun reçu", "order_number": "Numéro de commande", "date": "Date", "amount": "Montant" } } }, "se": { "general": { "banner": { "congrats": "Grattis! Din profil är nu skapad.\nHär är lite du borde veta", "welcome": "Välkommen till Spiri. Vi ser fram emot att göra din laddningsupplevelse enkel och smidig.\nDu får nu ett mail från oss med mer information om hur du installerar din laddningsbox.\nOm du har några frågor om ditt serviceavtal, var god kontakta oss, vi är redo att hjälpa dig.", "close": "Stäng", "test": "Test" }, "buttons": { "login": "Logga in", "logout": "Logga ut", "selfservice": "Självbetjäning", "save_changes": "SPARA ÄNDRINGAR", "changes_saved": "ÄNDRINGAR SPARADE", "contact": "Kontakt", "remove": "Ta bort", "test": "Test" }, "footer": { "easy_access_to_charging": "Få enkel tillgång till laddning över hela Europa", "spirii_go_button": "SPIRII GO APP", "text": "Kontakta oss om du behöver prata. Vi lyssnar, är nyfikna och har alltid tid för en chatt.", "products": "PRODUKTER", "spirii_connect": "Spirii Connect", "spirii_go": "Spirii Go", "spirii_key": "Spirii Key", "charging_equip": "Laddutrustning", "e_roaming": "eRoaming", "customerservice": "KUNDSERVICE", "contact": "Kontakt", "fees": "Avgifter", "faq": "FAQ", "cookie_policy": "Cookie policy", "about": "Om Spirii", "the_team": "Träffa teamet", "spirii_address": "BRAGESGADE 8B, KØBENHAVN N", "spirii_email": "SUPPORT@SPIRII.COM", "spirii_phone": "(+45) 32 266 299", "copyright": "© spirii" }, "forms": { "field_required": "Fältet är obligatoriskt", "choose_quantity": "Välj kvantitet" }, "hero": { "hero_label": "Connect Serviceavtal", "hero_header": "Skapa Spirii Connect Serviceavtal", "hero_description": "Beställ ett serviceavtal för din nya laddningslåda här, så du är garanterad den bästa upplevelsen för hemmaladdning." }, "user_form": { "personal_info": "Personlig information", "your_information": "Din information", "company_name": "Företagsnamn", "company_id_number": "Organisationsnummer", "ean": "EAN", "invoice_email": "E-post för fakturering", "firstname": "Förnamn", "lastname": "Efternamn", "email": "E-post", "phone": "Telefon", "address": "Adress", "zipcode": "Postnummer", "city": "Stad", "country": "Land", "bank_reg": "Bank reg.", "bank_account": "Kontonummer", "button_edit": "REDIGERA", "button_save": "SPARA", "button_cancel": "ANNULLERA" } }, "loginpage": { "form": { "header": "Självbetjäning", "title": "Logga in på självbetjäning", "email": "E-post", "password": "Lösenord", "forgot_password": "Glömt ditt lösenord?", "error_message": "Felaktig e-postadress eller lösenord" } }, "new-ui": { "errors": { "common_text": "Something went wrong!" }, "basket": { "my_order": "Min beställning", "order_overview": "Översikt", "products": "Produkter", "subscription": "Prenumeration", "price_recurring_postfix": "\/månad", "pay_monthly": "Betalas per månad", "pay_now": "Betala nu", "total": "TOTAL", "is_empty": "Din kundvagn är tom", "info": "Information", "subscription_binding_period": "Prenumerationen har en bindningstid på [min_months] månader.", "express_bank_months_info": "Betalningen genom [express_bank] delas upp över [per_month] månader. Du kommer att betala [per_month_pay] kr per månad.", "first_charge_info": "Serviceavtalet påbörjas när installationen är genomförd.", "include_vat": "Alla priser inklusive moms.", "pay_monthly_express_bank": "Betalas per månad med Express Bank.", "pay_monthly_credit_card": "Betalas per månad via betalkort.", "minimum_price_for_six_months": "Minimipris för 6 månader.", "14_days_full_return": "14 dagars full returrätt. Du blir automatiskt elkund vid beställning från en elleverantör.", "eb_option_to_split_payment": "Du har möjlighet att dela upp betalningen över [per_month] månader med [per_month_pay] kr\/mån, med [express_bank]. Välj betalningsmetod i nästa steg.", "eb_credit_info": "Betalning med Express Bank delas upp över [per_month] månader och [per_month_pay] kr\/mån." }, "calendar": { "next_month": "Nästa måned", "previous_month": "Föregående måned", "day_monday": "Mån", "day_tuesday": "Tis", "day_wednesday": "Ons", "day_thursday": "Tor", "day_friday": "Fre", "day_saturday": "Lör", "day_sunday": "Sön", "month_january": "Januari", "month_february": "Februari", "month_march": "Mars", "month_april": "April", "month_may": "Maj", "month_june": "Juni", "month_july": "Juli", "month_august": "Augusti", "month_september": "September", "month_october": "Oktober", "month_november": "November", "month_december": "December" }, "general": { "make_order": "Beställ", "continue": "Fortsätt", "confirm": "Bekräfta", "add": "Lägg till", "remove": "Ta bort", "per_month": "\/mån.", "yes": "Ja", "no": "Nej", "checkbox_required": "Obligatoriskt", "months": "månader", "or": "eller", "with": "med" }, "image_dropzone": { "attach_file": "Bifoga fil", "upload_file": "Ladda upp fil", "file_requirements": "PNG, PDF, JPEG. Max. 10Mb." }, "landing_page": { "page_header_label": "PAKETLÖSNING", "page_header_intro": "", "page_header_title": "Laddbox inklusive installation och serviceavtal.", "bullet_1": "Zaptec Go - markedets minsta och mest effektiva laddbox", "bullet_2": "Professionell och auktoriserad 11kW\/16A standardinstallation***", "bullet_3": "Spirii Connect serviceavtal med full driftgaranti, service och support.*", "bullet_4": "Automatisk återbetalning av elskatt på 1,12 kr. per kWh", "bullet_5": "Installation och aktivering av laddbox inom 4 veckor", "bullet_6": "Smart styrning av din laddbox och laddning med Spirii Go-appen", "pay_now_title": "Betal nu.", "pay_now_subtitle": "Därefter.", "pay_now_terms": "Vid köp skapas ett serviceavtal från Spirii till 79 kr.\/mån. i minst 6 månader (minsta pris 474 kr.). Avtalet ger dig automatisk återbetalning av elskatt och full garanti. Avtalet kan sägas upp med en månads varsel + pågående månad och tidigast 6 månader efter avtalets ingående. Betalningen för avtalet sker månadsvis och påbörjas efter installation av laddboxen.", "faqs_title": "Vanliga frågor", "faqs_question_1": "Vad får man med en standardinstallation?", "faqs_answer_1": "1. Installation av laddbox som säkerställer att laddning av din elbil eller plugin hybrid sker med största möjliga säkerhet. Samtidigt uppfyller installationen kraven som bilfabrikanterna ställer enligt deras garanti.\n\n2.Leverans och installation samt automatsäkring till antingen 1- eller 3- fasförbindelse inklusive N, gällande för både 16, 20 eller 32 A och felströmsbrytare HPFI, antingen som kombination eller separata enheter, i befintlig elskåp. Felströmsbrytare är typ A.\n\n3. Från befintligt gruppskåp drar installatören installationskabel på 5 g 6 mm2 upp till 15 meter längs befintligt golv eller vägg, böjd, klippt eller i lämplig storlek vit plastkanal. Kabeln monteras i laddboxen. Vid eventuell extra dragning debiteras du per meter.\n\n4. Elinstallatören testar att laddboxen fungerar och säkerställer att alla anslutningar är korrekt anslutna och enligt gällande lagstiftning.", "faqs_question_2": "Vad ingår inte i en standardinstallation", "faqs_answer_2": "Svar", "faqs_question_3": "Villkor för standardinstallation", "faqs_answer_3": "Svar", "faqs_question_4": "Fråga", "faqs_answer_4": "Svar", "faqs_question_5": "Fråga", "faqs_answer_5": "Svar", "hero_label": "Label", "hero_heading": "HEADING", "hero_description": "Description" }, "other_steps": { "has_tax_deduction_already": "Har du redan avgiftsreducerande elektricitet (Danmark endast)?", "tax_deduction_subtitle": "Solceller, bergvärme eller annan avgiftsreducerande konsumption.", "account_details": "Kontoupplysningar", "account_description": "Skattereduktionen på elektricitet betalas till detta konto.", "newsletter_consent": "Sänd mig gärna nyheter, erbjudanden och information om produkter och tjänster från Spirii." }, "payment_step": { "payment_details": "Betalningsinformation", "choose_method": "Välj betalningsmetod", "invoice_payment_description": "E-post för att ta emot fakturor.", "card_number": "Kortnummer *", "expiry_date": "Utgångsdatum *", "cvc": "CVC *", "cardholders_name": "Korthållares namn *", "secure_payment_description": "Betalningen görs via SSL", "pay_with_credit_card_description": "Betala nu med betalkort", "pay_with_express_bank_description": "Express bank - Dela upp betalningen utan avgifter eller ränta." }, "express_bank": { "credit_confirmed": "Din kreditansökan för laddbox och installation godkändes!", "credit_declined": "Din kredit för laddbox och installation avslogs. Var vänlig välj en ny betalningsmetod.", "credit_info": "Spirii Connect serviceavtal kan inte finansieras med Express Bank. Vi kommer att be dig att fylla i dina kreditkortsuppgifter efter att din ansökan har godkänts av Express Bank.", "per_month_for": "\/ månad för", "pay_monthly_installments_of": "Betala [no_of_installments] månatliga betalningar à", "amount": "[amount] kr.", "with_express_bank": "med Express Bank.", "fees_and_interests_description": "0 kr. avgifter och räntefritt." }, "product_step": { "charge_solution": "Laddlösning", "popular_addons": "Populära tillval" }, "progress_bar": { "basket": "Varukorg", "payment": "Betalning", "subscription": "Prenumeration", "confirmation": "Bekräftelse" }, "success_page": { "welcome_title": "Tack för din beställning. Välkommen till Spirii!", "welcome_subtitle": "Vi ser fram emot att göra din laddningsupplevelse enkel och smidig.", "welcome_message": "Om du har frågor är du välkommen att kontakta oss på +45 32 266 299 eller support@spirii.dk.", "welcome_order_info_bottom": "För att ändra dina uppgifter, gå till Self-service<\/a>. Du når även denna sida från din orderbekräftelse på mail.", "your_order": "Din beställing", "contact": "Kontakt", "address": "Adress", "refusion": "Återbetalning", "account_reg": "Reg:", "account": "Konto:", "service_agreement": "Serviceavtal", "services": "Tjänster", "spirii_connect": "Spirii Connect", "you_will_receive_mail": "Du kommer snart få ett mail med ytterligare information.", "get_spirii_go": "Hämta Spirii Go-appen nu och kom igång med din laddning!", "spirii_go_bullet1": "Connect, charge and go!", "spirii_go_bullet2": "Med Spirii Go har du möjlighet att styra din laddning hemma samt ladda på publika laddstolpar i Europa.", "spirii_go_bullet3": "Kör grönt och billigt. Få full överblick av din konsumption och planera laddning i hemmet.", "spirii_go_bullet4": "Spirii Go är alltid helt uppdaterad med de senaste smartladdningsfunktionerna och ger tillgång till det offentliga laddnätverket i hela Europa.", "payment": "Betalning", "products": "Produkter", "credit_card": "Betalkort", "express_bank": "Express Bank", "invoice": "Faktura" }, "footer": { "contact": "Kontakt", "welcome_description": "Hör av dig till oss om du behöver hjälp på något sätt. Vi lyssnar, bryr oss och vi har alltid tid för en pratstund.", "address": "Bragesgade 8B", "email": "support@spirii.com", "phone": "(+45) 32 266 299", "vat_no": "CVR: DK-40657339", "help": "Hjälp", "copyright": "Spirii. Alla rättigheter förbehållna.", "help_link_1_label": "Kundsupport", "help_link_1_link": "mailto:support@spirii.com", "help_link_2_label": "Kunskapsbank", "help_link_2_link": "https:\/\/help.spirii.com\/help", "help_link_3_label": "Self-Service", "help_link_3_link": "https:\/\/selfservice.spirii.com", "policy_link_1_label": "Integritetspolicy", "policy_link_1_link": "https:\/\/selfservice.spirii.com", "policy_link_2_label": "Dataskydd", "policy_link_2_link": "https:\/\/selfservice.spirii.com", "policy_link_3_label": "Cookiepolicy", "policy_link_3_link": "https:\/\/selfservice.spirii.com" }, "reimbursement": { "group_headline": "Skatteåterbetalning ", "group_description": "Du kan få skattereduktion om du inte redan har skattebefriande el på din plats.", "accordion_question": "Har du redan skattebefriande el?", "accordion_description": "Din skattereduktion betalas ut till detta konto", "radio_input_yes": "Ja", "radio_input_no": "Nej" } }, "onboarding": { "checkbox_sidebar": { "your_order": "Du beställer", "almost_there": "Du är nästan där", "terms_and_conditions": "Allmänna Villkor", "infotext": "Du skapar en användare automatiskt i vår SelfService-portal, där du kan få en översikt över ditt serviceavtal.", "footer_first_line": "är reserverad vid beställning.", "footer_second_line": "Betalning av Spirii Connect Service Agreement kommer i framtiden att äga rum varje månad och för första gången när laddboxen är installerad.", "button_continue": "Fortsätt", "button_confirm": "Bekräfta", "mandatory": "Obligatorisk", "add_to_order": "Lägg till beställning", "added_to_order": "Tillagd", "price_recurring_postfix": "\/månad", "price_onetime_postfix": "", "bank_account_message": "Ange dina bankuppgifter här så vi kan återbetala din elskattsreduktion (Danmark endast).", "bank_account_registration": "Reg. Nr.", "bank_account_registration_error": "Måste vara 4 siffror", "bank_account_number": "Konto Nr.", "bank_account_number_error": "Max 10 siffror", "bank_account_informative_text": "De danska reglerna tillåter oss bara att betala skatteåterbetalningen direkt till ditt bankkonto. Du måste därför ange din kontoinformation. Vi kommer då att återbetala ditt skattebidrag kvartalsvis.", "checkbox_1_description": "Jag bekräftar att jag inte har solceller, elvärme eller annan skattefri elproduktion hemma.", "checkbox_2_description": "Jag har solceller, elvärme eller annan skattefri elproduktion hemma.", "checkbox_3_description": "Jah har last och accepterar de tillämpliga villkoren<\/a> och integritetspolicy<\/a>.", "checkbox_4_description": "Vänligen skicka mig nyheter, erbjudanden och information om produkter och tjänster från Spirii.", "terms_and_conditions_link": "https:\/\/spirii.dk\/betingelser-og-salgsvilkaar\/", "privacy_policy_link": "https:\\\/\\\/spirii.dk\\\/privatlivspolitik\\\/" }, "foldables": { "first_title": "Hur fungerar ersättningsarbete?", "first_description": "Om du laddar hemma på en laddningsbox från Spirii betalar du ditt eget elpris. <\/br> (det genomsnittliga priset i Danmark är 2,2 DKK \/ kWh). Med ett Spirii Connect Service-avtal får du återbetalning av den elavgift du betalar för den el du använder för laddning. Återbetalningsgraden är per. 1 januari 2022 DKK 1.12 \/ kWh. Det betyder att du får DKK 1.12 tillbaka per. kWh, som du använder för att ladda hemma. <\/br> Vi betalar återbetalningen varje kvartal - januari, april, juli och oktober. <\/br> <\/br> Observera att du bara kan få en återbetalning av elskatten om du inte har solceller, geotermisk, elvärme eller annan självproducerad el, för vilken du inte betalar elskatt.", "second_title": "Kan det löna sig med ett SPIRII-anslutningsavtal?", "second_description": "Beräkningar visar att om du främst vill debitera hemma och köra mindre än 30 000 km per år, en laddningslösning där du äger laddningsrutan och via ett serviceavtal får din elskatt återbetalas bäst. <\/br> <\/br> Exempel på dina utgifter för att ladda hemma med ett körbehov på 15 000 km per år och laddning hemma på en laddningsbox med Spirii Connect Service Agreement <\/br> <\/br> 15.000 km per år motsvarar ca. 3.000 KWH <\/br> <\/br> årlig kostnad för el: 3 000 kWh X DKK 2.2 \/ kWh = DKK 6 600 <\/br> <\/br> Årlig kostnad för Spirii Connect Serviceavtal: 12 xkk 79 = DKK 948. <\/br> <\/br> skatteåterbetalning per. År: 3.000 kWh X DKK 1.12 = DKK 3,360 <\/br> <\/br> Taxbidrag Minus Spirii Connect Serviceavtal: (DKK 3,360 - DKK 948) = DKK 2,412 \/ år <\/br> <\/ br> Nettokostnad för körning Nuvarande per månad: (DKK 6 600 + DKK 948 - DKK 3,360) \/ 12 = DKK 349 \/ månad.", "third_title": "Hur börjar jag laddas med app \/ laddningschip?", "third_description": " Spirii Key Charger: <\/b> Placera laddaren på laddningsfältet. Vänta på en pip och laddning kommer att börja. När du vill slutföra laddning, ta av laddningskabeln ur bilen först och sedan ut ur laddlådan. <\/br> <\/br> Spirii Go: <\/ b> Hitta ditt laddningsställ på kartan i appen, välj Utlopp och tryck på Start. <\/br> <\/br> När du vill avsluta laddning, välj \"End\" i appen, först ta ut laddningskabeln ur bilen och sedan ut ur laddlådan.", "fourth_title": "Spiriis offentliga laddningsnätverk:", "fourth_description": "För att expandera och stärka vårt offentliga nätverk samarbetar vi med många olika partners och regelbundet inrättar laddningsstationer i hela Danmark. Vi kallar det anslutet med Spirii och idag samarbetar vi I.A. Med Merkur Andelsskasse, BY OG Havn, FDM, Sustain Recharge, Viggo, Aura Energi och flera regioner och kommuner. Priset för laddning i Spiriis offentliga nätverk varierar därför också, men vi försöker alltid hålla det så lågt som möjligt. Du kan se alla offentliga anslutna av Spirii-laddningsställen och det aktuella elpriset i vår app Spirii Gå <\/a>" }, "main_info_box": { "text_main_header": "Ditt avtal", "text_main_subheader": "Connect Serviceavtal", "text_main_intro": "Vårt Spirii Connect Serviceavtal är speciellt formulerat för att passa dig som laddar den elektriska bilen hemma på din egen laddbox. Serviceavtalet säkerställer att du får en enkel, pålitlig och smart laddningslösning.", "bullet_1_default": "Spiria hanterar och återbetalar din återbetalningsbara elavgift på laddning som görs hemma via laddlådan. Återbetalningsgraden är per. 1 januari 2022 DKK 1.12 pr. kWh", "bullet_2_default": "Spirii säkerställer att din laddningslåda alltid fungerar och är helt uppdaterad - utan extra kostnad för dig.", "bullet_3_default": "Tillgång till vår kundsupport, dygnet runt.", "bullet_4_default": "Tillgång till Spiriis offentliga nätverk av laddningsstationer och ett stort e-roaming nätverk i Europa.", "bullet_5_default": "Enkel åtkomst för laddning både hemma och utomlands via vår app Spirii Go.", "bullet_6_default": "Förbrukningsöversikt i Spirii Go App", "price_postfix": "\/månad", "footer_default": "6 månader bindningstid. Vi drar bara av betalningen när laddningsboxen är etablerad.", "footer_link": "Läs mer här." }, "progress_line": { "deal": "Handla", "customer_info": "Kundinformation", "payment": "Betalning" }, "user_form": { "your_information": "Din information", "thg-quotas-front": "THG Quota Fram", "thg-quotas-back": "THG Quota Bak", "file-requirements": "Godkända filtyper är png, jpg, jpeg och pdf. Filer måste ha en filstorlek på maximalt 10 Mb." } }, "overlays": { "payment": { "reg_no": "Reg.nr.", "account_no": "Kontonummer", "add": "Lägg till", "invalid_reg": "Ogiltig reg. nr.", "invalid_account_no": "Ogiltigt konto nr.", "cardholder_name": "Kortinnehavarens namn", "name_required": "Namnet krävs", "add_payment_method": "Lägg till betalningsmetod", "creditcard": "Kreditkort", "bank_account": "Bankkonto" } }, "passwordresetpage": { "form": { "header": "Självbetjäning", "title": "Återställ lösenord", "email": "E-post", "password": "Lösenord", "confirm_password": "Bekräfta lösenord", "request_reset": "Begär återställning av lösenord", "request_error_message": "Vi kunde inte hitta en användare med det här e-postmeddelandet.", "request_success_message": "Vi har skickat ett mail till dig med en lösenordsåterställningslänk. Om du inte kan hitta det, kom ihåg att kontrollera din spam-inkorg.", "login": "Logga in", "reset_button": "Återställ lösenord", "reset_error_message_no_user": "Vi kunde inte hitta en användare med det här e-postmeddelandet.", "reset_error_message_password": "Lösenordet måste vara min. 8 tecken och de två lösenorden måste vara desamma.", "reset_error_message_link": "Återställningen är inte längre giltig.", "reset_success_message": "Ditt lösenord har blivit återställt.", "login_to_selfservice": "Logga in på selfservice" }, "email": { "button_text": "Återställ lösenord" } }, "payment": { "general": { "total": "TOTALT", "thereafter_price_per_month": "Därefter {price} per månad", "minimum_price_for_6_months": "Minsta kostnad för 6 månader", "14_days_return": "14 dagars ångerrätt.", "unit": "enhet", "units": "enheter", "per_month": "\/månad", "payment_details": "Betalningsdetaljer", "name_on_the_card": "Namn på kortet", "payment_will_be_made_through_a_secure_ssl_connection": "Betalningen görs genom säker SSL-uppkoppling.", "pay": "BETALA", "continue_with_express_bank": "Fortsätt med Express Bank", "the_order_has_been_paid": "Beställningen är betald", "my_order": "Min beställning", "card_number": "Kortnummer", "expiry_date": "Utgångsdatum", "card_cvc": "CVC", "card_number_invalid": "Kortnumret är ogiltligt", "card_expiry_invalid": "Ogiltligt utgångsdatum", "card_cvc_invalid": "CVC-koden är ogiltlig" }, "tax_reimbursement": { "headline": "Återbetalning", "description": "", "has_reduction_headline": "Har du redan skattereducerande el?", "has_reduction_info": "Solceller, bergvärme, elektrisk uppvärmning eller annan skattereducerande el.", "account_information": "Kontoinformation", "account_information_info": "Skattereduktionen betalas ut till detta konto", "account_information_bank_reg": "Reg. number.", "account_information_bank_account": "Kontonummer.", "continue_to_payment": "Fortsätt till betalning", "bank_account_has_to_be_a_number": "Kontonumret får endast innehålla siffror", "bank_reg_has_to_be_a_number": "Clearingnumret får endast innehålla siffror", "step_1": "Skattereduktion", "step_2": "Betalning", "radio_input_yes": "Ja", "radio_input_no": "Nej" } }, "selfservicepage": { "bank_info_card": { "title": "BANKINFORMATION", "reg_no": "Reg. nr .:", "account_no": "Konto:", "button_change_info": "Ändra information", "button_add_info": "Lägg till information", "payee": "THG Quota betalare", "iban": "THG Quote: IBAN" }, "cancel_service_agreement_card": { "title": "Avbryt serviceavtal", "description": "Om du inte längre önskar, efter din bindande period på 6 månader, att ha ditt serviceavtal, kommer du inte längre att kunna få återbetalning av elskattsreduktion eller service på din laddbox.", "button": "Avbryt serviceavtal" }, "change_password_card": { "title": "ÄNDRA LÖSENORD", "current_password_label": "Nuvarande lösenord", "new_password_label": "Nytt lösenord", "new_password_sublabel": "Minst 6 tecken, 1 nummer, versaler och små bokstäver", "confirm_password": "Bekräfta nytt lösenord" }, "orders_card": { "title": "BESTÄLLNING", "order": "Beställning", "order_number": "Beställningsnr.", "date": "Datum", "status": "Status", "show_more": "Visa mer", "fulfilled": "Levererad", "processing": "Under hantering", "product": "Produkt", "price": "Pris", "price_postfix": "\/ mo.", "create_new_order": "SKAPA NY BESTÄLLNING" }, "payment_details_card": { "title": "BETALNINGSINFORMATION", "invoice_method_description": "Du betalar via faktura, och vi skickar en faktura till dig via e-post varje gång du måste betala.", "ends_with": "slutar med", "expires_at": "Utgångsdatum", "change_card_button": "Byt kort", "add_card_button": "Lägg till kort" }, "subscription": { "cancellation_success_message": "Din prenumeration har avslutats och kommer att löpa ut", "no_products_chosen": "Du har inte valt några produkter.", "you_are_logged_in_as": "Du är inloggad som", "address": "Adress", "address_description": "Ange din hemadress där laddboxen ska installeras.", "phone": "Telefonnummer", "phone_description": "Ange ditt telefonnummer så att vi kan kontakta dig om din beställning.", "subscription": "Prenumeration", "status": "Status", "product": "Produkt", "price": "Pris", "startdate": "Startdatum", "fixation_period": "Bindningstid", "cancelled_at": "Avslutas", "ends_at": "Slutar på", "description": "Om du inte längre önskar, efter din bindande period på 6 månader, att ha ditt serviceavtal, kommer du inte längre att kunna få återbetalning av elskattsreduktion eller service på din laddbox.", "cancel_service_agreement": "Avbryt serviceavtal", "desired_startdate": "Önskat startdatum", "cancelled": "Avslutad", "planned": "Planerad", "active": "Aktiv", "are_you_sure": "ÄR DU SÄKER?", "if_you_cancel": "Om du avslutar ditt serviceavtal, kommer du att sakna dessa fördelar:", "no_keep_agreement": "Nej, behåll serviceavtalet", "yes_cancel_agreement": "Avsluta serviceavtalet", "step1": "Full återbetalning av elavgift på laddning som görs hemma via laddboxen (Danmark endast)", "step2": "Löpande drift och underhåll av din laddningslåda", "step3": "24\/7 kundsupport", "step4": "Löpande uppdateringar", "step5": "Gratis buggfixar och service" }, "subscriptions_card": { "title": "PRENUMERATIONER", "show_more": "Visa mer", "no_subscriptions": "Du har inga prenumerationer." }, "transactions_card": { "title": "KVITTON", "download": "Ladda ner", "no_transactions": "Du har inga kvitton", "order_number": "Beställningsnr.", "date": "Datum", "amount": "Belopp" } } } }